Friday 30 December 2011

Belly Dancing in Restaurants... a few tips.

After a request for any tips about restaurant dancing I've been thinking about it a little. I'm by no means an expert having only done about a dozen or so gigs over the years. I've usually been too busy to take on a regular gig and they can be hard work and not very well paid either- but they can be a wonderful opportunity to hone your skills and learn while geting paid. And if you love intereacting with the public it can be great fun.
Dancing in a restaurant (or a dinner function) can be quite complicated unless you have a regular spot with them and know what they are after, so the best first step is to acertain what they expect from you, and also to find out practical things like what music system they have, ceiling heights, stairs, stage/space and also to agree a price for performing.
Usually restaurants want someone to entertain their diners, but not to harrass them! There is a delicate balance between having fun with the diners and knowing when to keep your distance from those who just aren't interested. Sometimes diners don't know you are going to be there and plainly are embarrassed or aren't interested- they usually look away or keep their heads down. The ones to intereact with are those nodding their heads to the music and grinning at you! You will also need to check out if there is enough room for sticks/veils, and what the floor surface is like.
When you have chatted with the restaurant owners you can then decide if it works for you. I made the mistake early on in my career of being available constantly and dancing whenever needed, and consequnelty was exhausted at the end of the night! Now I usually suggest that I do two or three sets of about 15/20 mins through out the evening, with a change of costume, music and props each time- about 3/4 tracks each. this can of course be flexible- if diners are really enjoying it you maybe able to add another track on the end of your set.And you will need someone from the restaurant to operate your music, stopping between tracks for you to catch your breath and pick props up. Alternatively you can arrange the tracks on a copy disc with a gap of a few secs between- and sometimes I have taken a friend along who has done the music for me. And arrange with the organisers when to do the sets- usually between courses and towards the end of the meal works best. Find out if the restaurant want you to get people up to dance with you, and also if there is anyone special- like a bride/groom/birthday boy you need to focus on. and whether there will be a cake or birthday gift you can help deliver.

Improvisation is a must for restaurant work! You can do choreographed dances too, but often the space available is not suitable, and flexibility is the name of the game! You may find yourself dodging waiters, tables and customers, while smiling and not losing your step so you can see why a choreography may not work. A set piece could work as an opener but then improv would work better afterwards. One important thing I have found out is that as a restaraunt dancer you can't afford to have a big ego that needs to be stroked! Some restuarants see you as just another employee and expect you to fit in around the food and customers which are most important. Your job is to entertain, and that may mean intereacting with the diners, getting them up to join in and having some playful fun. If you are comfortable with cheeky eye contact and getting close to the customers to have a joke that's great, but you will need to have a clear idea of your boundaries and may occasionally have to take control of unruly/drunk diners who might think you are offerring them something more than you had bargained for! In some cultures it is considered acceptable to put money into the bra or belt of a dancer, or simply throw it at her. You need to decide how much of this is acceptable to you. If offerred money I usually point to my belt or help guide their hands so they are not tempted to stuff it down my bra! DON'T stop to pick it up off the floor...looks tacky! Get someone else to do that for you! And if people want to dance with you, I suggest holding their hands only, and not allowing them to touch other parts of your body like bare waist, leg, chest etc! Peoples boundaries get a little fuzzy under the influence of alcohol and messages can get confused- this also means I advise you not to drink before your performance so you remain on the ball and in control at all times!!
Other things to consider are- how revealing your costumes are and what to wear depending on the customers age, preference etc. I also take shimmy belts to put on customers, and if there is a bride or birthday girl/boy they get a specially shiny or noisy belt, and sometimes a veil. Make sure you remember to collect them before you go, as well as your music!
And finally, don't be afraid to approach the owners to get paid! Don't allow yourself to be bullied to accepting less - always agree a price beforehand, and if possible confirm it by email or letter. And a big no-no is don't undercut other dancers- it's very unprofessional and damages others employment opportunities, plus sends a negative message out to employers and other dancers.
I'd be interested to hear if any of you other dancers out there have any comments to add to this or observations, as I know there are many people out there with much more experience than I. We can always learn from each other!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Santa Magic 2 and restaurant dancing

Following on from my last blog I was talking about my experiences at The Creaky Cauldron last week. I'd been so worried about my financial situation the week before and had been praying for some help from the Powers That Be/The Universe/God/Goddess, so I felt so blessed when I landed the job! And, amazingly enough I also got an extra holiday bonus from Stratford College, AND a performance gig for a birthday at a restaurant in Stratford.  Can't describe how happy and relieved I was!
So...the first couple of days at the job felt specially great, not least because it was fun being there! I was meant to learn how to use the till but we got so busy that in the end I was just a bagger, wrapper and helper, with occaisional bouts of standing around looking cheerful, and pretending I knew what I was doing to customers. I'm hoping that I proved myself a useful member of staff and that they might invite me back soon...but I guess I'll just have to wait and see....
Last night was the restaurant gig in Stratford. This time the lady whose birthday it was asked me to dance specially and was the payee, though this isn't usually the case at restaurants (they usually pay you). Although it was an enjoyable evening, it was all rather relaxed and laid back and as it wasn't very busy the staff started to join in with the dancing after I'd only done a couple of numbers! Normally I wouldn't mind, but as the lady was paying for me I felt that I wasn't really giving her her money's worth, nor focussing specially on her if it became a bit of a  free for all. But most of the diners were her friends anyway, so I think she was happy they were all having a good time. However, it did make me consider what the situation might be if this was repeated. I haven't done much restaraunt work, but I understand that they want the customers to have a good time, and it shouldn't be about the ego of the dancer getting stroked by having her special solo spot...but I want to give good value for money, and if everyone joins in too early then the dancer might as well not be there! I suppose some places just see the dancer as a paid party starter, and that's fine, but maybe I have got a bit too much ego, and should accept what the customers want? I danced once at a Turkish/British wedding, and I had two sets lined up. I made my entrance for the first set, and had barely done one number before the dance floor was filled with excited Turks jigging around, so I couldn't do the other dances! The organiser then told me I didn't need to do the second set- but they would still pay the fee! I'm not complaining, but I suppose it's just a different mind set that we Brits aren't used to! And different restaurants have different ideas of what they want so it's all a bit of a minefield, I guess!
Am off today to do a gig at one of Miramar's regular bookers, an old peoples home near Oxford. As the girls have decided which dances we are doing this time, they have chosen dances that I haven't done for a while, so although I have practised, one of them is still a bit ropey! I'm looking forward to standing at the back and following them for a change!
Looking forward to some family visiing this week, and although I'd love to just slump on the sofa the rest of the time, I need to get some advertising fliers out soon for the New Year classes.

Monday 26 December 2011

Santa Magic Part 1

Have just had a wonderful but very busy week! I'm delighted to report that I got myself a Christmas job for the week running up to Christmas day- at The Creaky Cauldron. They were obviously very busy and needed the help so I rang them and bob's your uncle! I was in every day all day, including Christmas Eve doing various jobs, but mostly bagging up sweets for Santa presents, wrapping said presents, and assisting Santa. The last job was the best bit- I togged myself up in an elf 'style' costume and hat and then my job was to greet families as they got to Santa's Grotto, then guide them in to see the man himself. I also wrote out certificate for people who solved the Potion Puzzle, which meant Santa then got the heads up on the kiddies names in advance....which was a sneaky ruse as the kids then were astounded to find he knew their names!!  But he has to be one of the best Santas around- dressed in a very good quality costume, and his beard, wig and moustache looked real, and he topped it off with a garland of holly so looked as if he had just stepped out of a victorian advert. But he had a brilliant technique of appealing to everyone, kiddies and adults alike, and spent quality time with them, which was great. Most people came out glowing with excitement and praise. But despite the stresses of being so busy the highlight of the job was seeing the look in peoples faces when they met really was magical!
...oops, gotta go and get ready to go out, so will write more about my week soon....ta taaa!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Bits and Pieces

Yet another long gap between blogs...but it's mostly because I've been busy. And, that is a good thing in my book! However, I have had a couple of days where I was almost running from one thing to another....that might be just a little too much stress for today I'm really enjoying a kind of day off where I don't have to be anywhere or do anything...lovely!
Some of the busy-ness was earning money, which is very good, but there are still bills to pay and I don't know where the money is going to come from before January. I'm just hoping the Universe will cast a few more gifts or opportunities my way very soon! Otherwise several people will be very miffed with me as they won't be getting any birthday/Christmas presents!
I've now officially finished classes for Christmas, but there have been a number of stall gigs and a few meet-ups with pals and students, plus trying to fit in the usual radio show stuff, the minimum amount of housework I can get away with, as well as trying to create our own Christmas cards. I'm looking forward to having a break, and as usual have several jobs and projects in mind, though I have a feeling that I will probably end up slumped on the sofa watching TV- just for the pure novelty of it! But I need my creative fix, so will be making some more jewellery stock to replenish what I've sold over the last couple of weeks. I haven't sold anything from the Folksy site, but I must admit I haven't advertised it widely yet, but I've got a local shop to agree to selling a few things for me, so I hope that will be a go-er.
I also seem to have got my mojo back....well in a quiet and modest kind of way, anyhow. Having to been to several haflas I've been interested, inspired and excited by what I've seen, but don't quite feel like rushing off to create a west end musical just yet! I think that what I may do in the future will be about taking a different approach or direction. I 'm not planning to give up the dancing, but it may be necessary for it to take a more minor role- I'm prepared for that, but I've noticed that having fewer classes has reduced the stress levels a lot which is really good. I love dancing, but I've neglected my own enjoyment to a large extent in my efforts to be a good teacher- and in order to stay in love with it I need to get some nourishment from it myself. By the way, the Body Talk workshop I did for The Alternative Show went very well. Although I only had six participants, they all gave really good feedback, and everyone seemed to get something out of it, so I am inspired to carry on researching and developing it.
Still no jobs on the horizon, although I am carrying on looking. I suspect as usual the Universe wants me to do my own thing. Really happy to do that, but I need to earn more money doing it, you guys upstairs!!
Anyway, as I have a bit more time on my hands, you may well be hearing more from me over the next few weeks. Brace yourselves for possible tantrums, tears, boredom, apathy, joy, and the odd outbreak of drunkeness, despair and happiness!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

The Trials and Tribulations of Work......

Surprised to find how long it's been since my last blog! I've thought about doing it a number of times, but I've either been too busy or too fed up. Strange how things do seem to swing from one extreme to another...or is that just my bi-polar emotional state...or even my lack of control over my moods?! I know I can be a bit of a drama queen, but things have got quite bad recently. It's all about the money- again!
Although I'm valliantly trying to find gigs and jobs, and trying to find creative ways to earn a living, I'm still just not earning enough to keep body and soul together! Thank goodness Sid is earning a regular wage, or we would be in serious trouble. I'm trying to remain optimistic in the face of adversity and hope that some of my many ideas will come to fruition- no one can say I'm not trying hard! So....I have managed to get a jewellery workshop arranged with a local needlecraft shop, and a taster session for a women's group, a couple of stalls at craft fairs and an indulgence day, as well as stalls at 5 haflas between now and Xmas. That might seem like a lot, but the haflas and craft events are always a risk- like the other day when we took the stall to Witney, I only made enough to pay for the stall fee. I've also been given a sweet little digital camera by a wonderful, lovely friend, so I have now opened an online shop at Folksy to sell my jewellery. Am quite excited about this, despite the fact that I haven't sold anything yet...but give it time. Once I have advertised it at a few haflas and by email, everything will be flying off the shelves! And, I can add onto the site anything I have made, so it has the potential for selling photographs, cards, fascinators, or even costumes.
I've also drafted an introductory letter and made a promotional flier to send to local restaurants and hotels to advertise myself as a solo performer. I know I'm not a sylph-like youngster any more (not that I ever was, really!), but I'm hoping that I look good enough in the pics to attract some interest. I do have lots of experience and chutzpah, too! And when I say interest, I mean professionally- and to earn some dosh! It might be a bit late for some Xmas events, but it might also be something people might consider for January when they want to pep up trade.
I've also been given the opportunity to do a talk-cum-workshop exploring my dance-as-healing interest- well, I confess it's going to be the next Alternative Show Talk! I have to say that I hadn't considered doing one at all, but Peter somehow talked me into it! But heigh-ho, if I ask the Universe for opportunities, I gotta seize them when they come along!
So, despite the difficulties there are lots of things happenning, which helps to stop me plunging into despair. If I feel as if I am beavering away purposefully then that's much better than slumping into a depressed heap. Being self employed is all about being self motivated, and although I get energised by even modest successes, I easily de-motivated when everything goes quiet.
Anyway, with enough irons in the fire, some things will work out- preferably the best paid ones!

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Dance, Healing and Reiki.

Well my half term break turned into a Tax Return sprint! As usual, I'd left most of it to the last minute so had to devote some very intense effort to it! As I don't (yet!) earn huge amounts of money and don't have an Cayman Island bank account or a private island/jet/yacht I am allowed to do a short tax return which is a great relief. So all they need from me is earnings, expenses and the profit or loss- 3 line accounts I think it's called. But behind those 3 figures are a huge amount of collating information-and a bit of detective work! Surprised myself by getting it finished by Thursday so very pleased and relieved.
Did very little in the way of dance or movement over the holiday, but I did have a taster workshop arranged (no one turned up!), and a little informal performance at a friends birthday party. But it's back into the swing of things this week, and the renewed activity has got me all fired up about my idea of combining belly dance moves with healing exercises and practice. I know I'm not the first to think of this idea(!!), but there aren't many people around doing it, so I'm hoping this might prove to be a relatively untapped niche. It would also necessitate a different way of working- rather like my clowning days, where I would expect to do workshops, demonstrations and taster sessions rather than regular classes. This doesn't mean I am giving up on the classes as I still love meeting my lovely ladies every week, but as the classes have dwindled down to 4 I do have  a bit more time for other gigs and bookings. I still am considering promoting myself for other dance related activities, like solo performances, hen nights and talks etc, and I'd still like to develop my jewellery stuff, too.
I have been getting more interested in using Reiki more as well. I have been treating a dear friend for cancer recently, and was delighted to find that the growth had completely dissappeared! The medical profession will no doubt claim it's all down to their radio and chemo therapy, but I'm convinced that Reiki played a big part in this. There are some other complications, though, so I have been working on these too. Will be very interesting to see what happenns- but particularly as it would be fantastic to see her back in good health again- and cancer free! But giving someone Reiki regularly has re-ignited my interest in energy and healing again. I never really forgot about it, but now it feels like a good time to do some research and experimentation. Have been looking into other forms of healing dance, and healing exercise such as Qi Gong, and I'm finding that belly dance seems to blend very well with these fluid oriental movements. My clown training utilised lots of Tai Chi principles, so it doesn't fell like a big step to fuse belly dance and chinese exercise together or create something inspired by both disciplines somehow! I am interested in also including stuff about the chakras, as well as working with symbolic shapes.
And the Universe is giving me lots of opportunities for discovery.....I recently began to get dizzy spells. Have had this before, and one of my students (who is a nurse) reckoned it was low blood pressure. But as the symptoms started to get worse I suddenly had the thought that it might be something to do with the inner ear. So I Reiki-ed my ears. After a day or so my symptoms have lessenned and I've just done some more healing on myself today. Will be very interested in seeing how it all pans out.
The job situation has not improved.Thought I might have had an interview for one job last week, but as it has not been forthcoming so far I need to get on with planning and organising my own gigs and bookings. I can't hold all my weekends free indefinitely for something that might happenn- need to get into planning mode again and start earning some more money!

Sunday 23 October 2011

Irritation and Thinking About Things

It's Sunday morning and I'm looking forward to a week off from classes, but am very aware that I still have to pace myself financially. I'm pleased to say that most weeks between now and Christmas I have a hafla, talk or workshop to earn me some extra money, as my earnings have dropped to about half of what I was earning 3 years ago. But as a self employed person I rarely feel I can totally relax as every penny I earn is (or has been) generated by me. I can remember that when I worked for an employer that it was easy to switch off when you left work and there was a clear demarcation between work and home life. I can even remember what it was like to have evenings and weekends off! It's not my intention to complain, as I still love being self employed, but getting the balance between work and play can be quite difficult. And at the moment I'm feeling that I have to be prepared at any given moment to promote myself if the occasion arises. I've created some fliers that promote all the things I can offer (including classes), so hopefully they are the type of fliers that can sit around for a while on various noticeboards. I'm a great believer in the power of recommendation and organic advertising. What I mean by organic advertising is when someone sees a flier or advert, or sees me and the troupes perform, makes a note of us and then sometime down the line gets in touch- or maybe I meet someone at a social event and after telling then what I do, give them a flier. I think the best kind of advert is when people meet you and find out what you are like, and then decide they would like to book you for an event or come to classes- or even come through a recommendation from someone. Belly Dance is still misunderstood by many people and hopefully when I meet people, I can put their mind at rest that all belly dancers are not salacious, man eating, husband stealing floozies!
Haven't heard from the latest job application, and it's over two weeks ago that I applied. I realise the job market is very difficult, and know lots of people have made hundreds of applications before getting a job, so I am not alone, and am not upset. Either I haven't found the right job yet, or I haven't found the new way to do things. One idea I have had is to explore ideas around dancing or moving with the symbolic shapes we do in Belly Dance, with the intention of self healing. It's something that has interested me for a while, but I feel it needs some further research, to get the ideas into some kind of focus that could be taught.
Which reminds me of something that has got me irritated! Back in the early summer I did a free performance of Belly Dancing at a Mind Body and Spirit show, hoping it would bring some interest and maybe an invitation from the organisers to do a workshop or talk. They did invite me to do a talk/workshop later in the summer, but a couple of weeks before the event I was concerned to find there was no advertising on their website and I'd heard nothing from them about how it was going. After I'd emailed them, they got back to me saying it had been cancelled- but it was a short note with no words of apology or explanation, and I was very dissappointed as I expected them to be people of integrity. You may think I was judging them too quickly, but it's now Oct and I've not heard anything from them since, and to add insult to injury, they have invited a group of tribal belly dancers (who I don't think have any spiritual slant to their work) from up north to take part in a Midlands based music and dance festival they have organised. Maybe I shouldn't expect anything, but I'm cross that they didn't even bother to check if I could have fit the bill first. I'm trying not to hold onto it and I'm not as annoyed as I was before, but it's made me even more determined to not hide myself under a bushel, and to find a suitable MBS event to try out my 'spiritual' approach! I think the best approach to this sort of thing is high visibility!
Went to a talk on Friday that Peter organised on behalf of the Alternative Show with James D'Angelo, who is a talented musician, and sound teacher. I've always enjoyed singing, and especially using my voice to explore spiritual experience and healing, so it was very interesting, and it re-ignited my interest in engaging the body in healing movement. I'd really like to find a way to include live music or sound into the movement too, as that is very powerful. Maybe live drumming or playing Tibetan Bowls could work.....hmmm, food for thought.

Monday 17 October 2011

Tired Contemplation...and other stuff

Following on from a busy weekend and too much ginger wine last night, I got out of bed in a very grumpy state of mind this morning. A combination of tiredness and alcohol and not enough 'me' time and I was a very unhappy Vally. I briefly considered not going to Tai Chi this morning as I really was in the mood for wallowing in self pity and self righteousness, but I went anyway, and am glad I did as I'm in a much better frame of mind now! Better for me and better for the world!
It all started on Friday afternoon with the radio show, then home briefly before going back out for a Shuvani meet up, then back home to a quick supper before a late visit to the pub (Fridays are set aside usually as our evening out together and a chance to chat)- late to bed- even for me! And it was hard work getting up early enough to meet my sisters at Batsford Arboretum to celebrate youngest sisters birthday-lovely weather, great company and gorgeous surroundings. Then back home to get ready to go to Loreley Rice's hafla in Abingdon, then very late night again, and up again Sunday for a Miramar rehearsal at 10.00am (should have arranged this better!).Not finished to Stratford for The Buzz Cafe 1st birthday party, then afterwards helping Peter with some shed clearing at Lifeways. Had had enough after a couple of hours, so back home for a TV fest of Strictly, Downton Abbey and the Fades....hence the ginger wine! Looking back over that lot no wonder I was feeling grumpy!! Think I need a rest!

Can't quite believe how quickly the autumn has appeared and it's also almost half term! I feel as if everything is running away from me and I'm trying to keep up! I'm considering whether I need to set up a workshop between now and Xmas. I don't want to get too bogged down with lots of bookings, but as my job prospects aren't very encouraging, I need to continue creating my own work instead. Need to also get going on my promotional stuff, as this might generate some more business.

While watching the performers on Saturday night I contemplated how I am currently with performing myself. Am still going through a bit of a funny phase, but I've realised that while I still love performing, I really enjoy doing it on my own, and especially in a non-judgemental environment - like the general public. I've had problems with self confidence since a child, and find any kind of criticism hard to take, so although most belly dance events are full of supportive friends and teachers, I still feel like I am being judged. Think I'm overly sensitive, but performing in that situation is quite stressful. I feel it's part of my job as a teacher to perform with and for the students, but I have to confess to often finding it hard work- and that's purely my own stuff- not anyone elses! And getting older means I have to adjust to being an older dancer! I've never had a problem showing off vast areas of my body in the past, but recently I've been mortified to see lots of wobbly, overhanging bits, and although losing weight will help with that, I have to accept that my body is different now to what it was 10 or 15 years ago. And that I can't dance in the same way as I did when I started...knees and hips won't allow quite so much energetic leaping around. I still get immense joy from dancing, and I'm an entertainer at heart, so combining those two together is my ideal, but finding the right setting to do that is tricky. I'm wondering if my values and ideas around this are shifting- not sure I'm satisfied with doing it the same way anymore, but equally not sure where I'm going with it all. Hmmmmmm.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Post Souk and What's Next...

Well, the souk went well with no big hitches or problems, I'm pleased to say. All the workshops either met the minimum number or above, so that was good, but the downside is that we just didn't have as many shoppers as I'd have liked. When we did the tea dance I counted 45 in the audience, but that was the most we had in the room at a given point. I counted around 30 shoppers through the door, but it just didn't feel as busy as it has been in the past. Not sure whether having the event on a Sunday was a good or bad thing. I know it suited some people, but not others, but there are pros and cons for and against. But there are still areas we can improve on and I am already considering the next one in May!
But now that's all over I can turn my attention to other things like the radio show, the Christmas hafla and the Belly Dance Spectacular next spring. Not feeling very motivated to arrange any extra workshops or other things though- feels like a lot of extra work I'm not up to coping with.
But although I've only been back at the classes for 4 weeks, I'm already feeling a bit harrassed- which makes me wonder why. One definite message I AM getting though, is that the old ways of doing things don't work any more, so I have to think creatively about my work situation. The job hunting is very slow, so while that's going on I have to try and maximise my opportunities and make the most of what comes my way. The classes are struggling to keep the numbers up, tho' admittedly I haven't done any advertising this term, so I've decided I have to try and use my talents in other ways as well. I've already made a generic flier advertising Belly Dancing in all the forms I can offer (performance, hen parties, talks etc.), and am considering contacting various local organisations that might book me for either performance or a taster fun session. I'm also going to advertise with fliers and electronically after Xmas. Will get some business cards done too so I can have them on my person for any opportunity that comes along! Going to have to be pro-active!
I've also applied for a job as a costumed character at a local attraction in Stratford. Not sure how my CV will shape up next to professional actors, but am hoping I'll get an interview or audition at least. Here's hoping......

Thursday 6 October 2011

Feelin' Fine

About a week ago I was sitting in the loo (bear with me as it doesn't get any more detailed-honest), and worrying about the fact that I hadn't had enough bookings for the souk workshops, and then I looked up and caught sight of the handwash we have on the sink- and it said 'Faith'!! It's been there for ages, but on this particular day the name just seemed to jump out at me- and I had to smile to myself as the Universe was doing it's gently witty thing of reminding me at the same time as being amusing..I really like that! So, I decided I had to let go of my usual worrity thoughts and trust that it would work itself out. And a week down the line, it's almost there! Admittedly I've had to cancel two workshops but they didn't have ANY bookings at all (mine and another), but now I'm delighted to say that most of the remaining workshops have the minimum with a couple over and one just under- and we've got a couple of days to go for any last minute-ers! Each souk is subtlely different from the others, and this time more so as 3 of our usual traders can't make it- but instead we have a new trader, the new Magency Magazine, Dave doing studio shots, a charity stall and a bigger Pamper area, so it's all good. Now I'm beginning to look forward to it, but can't really concentrate on anything else until it's over!
Things are feeling quite abundant at the moment, but it's a bit of a temporary illusion, as much of the money that's flowing into my account will have to flow out again very soon- particularly for the souk. But I'm delighted to have paid one very big debt off, and as long as I'm prudent, I can pay off the others too. However, I'm not quite at the stage where I can allow myself any of the bigger purchases I'd like. But I'm in the process of creating a Treasure Map...I've got the background paper, and now need to gather various pictures for the different aspects I want to feature. I'm going to focus on abundance, so will need to illustrate the things I want to happen- like getting an ideal interesting part-time job that fits perfectly around my teaching and Belly Dance stuff, having a nice holiday, expanding my existing work, getting a camcorder, a digital camera, a new sound system for classes and a new computer etc.
We are having a week off from the radio show, as I need the extra time to prepare for the souk, and Peter is off to visit a friend in Wells. But things are gradually moving on with our proposed re-location. Although we aren't in too much of a hurry, we are coming into the winter which isn't the best time for renovation and decorating work, and we do have a loose-ish deadline to work towards. But I feel that it needs to have it's own pace and that as long as we remain focussed and relaxed about it, it will all work out perfectly! I know I'm right about that,  but it all depends on whether I can stay in the right frame of mind! I know I'm a bit of a drama queen and get overwrought at the drop of a hat, but am trying to temper my behaviour- and walk my talk.
Time now to get on with work (and play!) as Sid will be back and demanding to use the (his) computer. Doesn't hurt to be a bit more disciplined and plan my work pattern a bit to fit around him, but it's not easy!!

Sunday 2 October 2011

Catching Up and Money Stuff

Have just been too busy with work and the souk to write...and I've really missed that. I'm pleased to say that things are flowing very well, including money! It feels as if I've been trapped in a dark cave for weeks and suddenly someone has moved a great big stone from the entrance, and now the light and air is flowing in and I'm free!! However, I'm resisting the urge to spend money now I have some as there are still some debts to be paid, and if the summer situation has taught me anything, it's to be more careful and a little more thrifty- at least for now. It has been a very hard lesson to learn, and I'm not out of the woods yet. I've decided that I want to be debt free eventually, but that will take some time. I can remember when I was younger that everyone regarded buying things on the 'never-never', or having any kind of debt as a Very Bad Thing, and the commonly held view was that you only bought things if you had actual money to do so. I'm not saying that having a debit or credit card is necessarily a bad thing in itself- especially if you use it with care, but accumulating a unpaid debt over a long period of time is not good for many reasons- the debt keeps growing, it's constantly stressful, and the situation is energetically draining. But if I constantly view all my money transactions through a lens of honesty and spirituality, and act accordingly, then hopefully my abundance will increase and my debts disappear! The Findhorn Community use a spiritual approach to money, and they have historically managed to raise the funds to do various projects including extending their land for more buildings and accommodation. They have borrowed money- but always paid it back quickly. I have a feeling that we need to go back to a modern version of the old system our parents used- a really straight forward sensible approach based on the premise that if you don't have the money you can't spend it, and if you do borrow some, you pay it back immediately. And I'm all in favour of the banks splitting their work into two parts- one purely for basic banking, and the other for investments and insurance, etc, so I get a bank that doesn't harrass me trying to sell me all sorts of insurances, loans and upgrades I don't want, and doesn't gamble with my money. I don't know much about the banking or financial system, but I DO know that what we have now doesn't feel right, and evidently isn't working for us anymore. I know that might sound a bit simplistic, but I can't manage the complicated stuff and my brain is already full enough with rubbish to take any more!

But I'm feeling much more cheerful, and undoubtedly the return to classes has helped with that. Admittedly the attendance at the classes is still down, and I don't have any new students at the moment. I've lost a couple of my long-standing students (nothing I did to them, I hasten to add- just life happenning!), so I've now got about half the students that I had about 3 years ago. So I'm continuing in my quest to find a part-time job that will help bring in some extra dosh. Sid has a lot of faith in my ability to act, present or do voice overs, so he encourages me to try and look for those kind of jobs. Well, I've decided that I may as well try to use my God-given talents as not, and if I enjoy the job too, that's got to be a bonus. Plus, I feel that if I search for employment through my genuine interest and liking for a job that's much better energetically than frantically searching in desperation (as I did in the summer!).

And talking of energy, plans for the Radio Shack are seeming to be taking off at their own pace. It's a good sign that with very little input we are getting lots of offers of help, furniture and materials! But to back track- not sure I've mentioned it before, but we are looking into re-locating our base for the show. It feels as if we need to do this to expand, and for it to be separate from Peter's home and work. Can't say too much as it isn't all finalised yet, but suffice it to say we are progressing with our plans with a new venue in mind.

Oops, just looked back and realised that this is turning into a bit of an essay.....better get on with the day!

Thursday 22 September 2011

Treasure Maps and Other Improvements

I haven't written for over a week as it's been a tough one...well it's been a tough summer for me actually. But last week seemed to be the last attempt to really grind me down before I saw the light and started to get happy again! The main problem was that on Friday our phone line went down, and with it our internet connection. That had a knock on effect in that I couldn't print out all the stuff for the radio show, couldn't phone anyone (and they couldn't phone me), and couldn't let anyone know I wasn't contactable, as I couldn't get onto Facebook or email!! We found out that it was a problem with BT's local exchange, but our internet provider The Phone Co-op had to do the badgering to get their engineers out. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was quite difficult and frustrating as we had to use the local library for a (once a day) 30 mins free connection ,and as people were trying to contact me about the souk and other work related things it got very tricky and complicated. On the plus side I got a lot of ironing done!! I know I'm a little addicted to the internet, but I can manage without when I'm on holiday (and don't have any responsibilities or things to do or organise), and am having a nice time, but when work is just beginning to kick in in earnest it's a problem! Anyway, we got back on line yesterday- what a relief!
But this week is turning out to be much better as I've started classes (feels really good to get back to it again- inactivity doesn't suit me), so this also means I have some money flowing in , and I also got paid for  the Guild of Pastoral Studies workshop. Plus a little minor medical problem I had suddenly resolved itself with the help of Reiki, homeopathy and Sid's Yarrow salve. Yay! Result!
It's quite amazing to look back over probably one of the worst summers I've ever had, and reflect on how stuck and stressful it was- mostly because of lack of money. And as soon as some money appears, it's like I just unblocked the sink!
To keep the ball rolling, I've decided to make a Treasure Map. It's an idea I've used before, and Maggy Whitehouse reminded me of the technique in her book 'Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity'. So you take a big sheet of paper or card and you stick pictures or photos or drawings on it relating to the things you want in your life, or you'd like to achieve- you can focus it on a specific subject or outcome if you want. Then you find a happy photo of yourself and stick in the middle. Then you write your aim or desire (in the present tense) linking it to the picture or photo- so for example if I wanted a digital camera (which I do), I might say 'I now have a marvellous digital camera that takes perfect pictures, and was at a bargain price'. Once you have done this for all the pictures or areas of your life, you then write a message at the bottom of the page, which goes something like 'I am open to all this and whatever the universe offers me to the highest good of all concerned'. This last phrase is really important so it prevents anything untoward happenning as a result of your requests. Maggy cites an example of something like- if you ask for a windfall but don't specify the conditions, you might say fall over and break your leg, and then get your windfall as an injury claim! These Treasure Maps are very powerful, so be very careful what pictures you use and what phrases you write. When I did this years ago I said I wanted to go to Findhorn and do a course with Eileen Caddy, and I also wanted to run workshops abroad at alternative holiday centres. I found a great picture of people having fun together at Cortijo Romero, and put that up. I got to do my course with Eileen and it wasn't until I got home afterwards that I realised one of the people on my course was in the photograph of Cortijo Romero! The universe had interpreted my message as wanting to meet someone in the picture! So, I'm going to focus my Treasure Map around abundance and prosperity, and getting myself a digital camera! I'll keep you posted on developments!

Monday 12 September 2011

Looking on the Bright Side.......

Just a little blogette today as it's almost 7pm and I feel as if I haven't hardly done anything! Actually, I know that's not entirely true, as I've done a radio interview and been to see my lovely friend C to give her some Reiki, but I guess as those things were fun and enjoyable they don't count as work! Oh dear....I've just realised that I'm saying work = not enjoyable....not a very good message to send to the Universe! OK, if you really break it down, it's the downside of being employed- having to do your own tax return, having to face having debts and feeling guilty about it, worrying about where the work (and money) is coming from. But after reading a bit more of Maggy's book I am trying to remain positive and to see the bigger picture.... rather than asking directly for money, I will focus on doing the things that make me feel happy and optimistic and enthusiastic, knowing that this will draw abundance to me! The higher part of me knows this to be true. You know the term 'Follow your Bliss'? I do believe that if you can find a way of doing that, that earns you a living, then that must be wonderful. Well, I suppose that I HAVE been doing that for much of my working life- but with the belief that it wouldn't earn me much money...hmmm. Need to change that, then! But I have had some of the most wonderful, marvellous, inspiring, exciting and memorable experiences I could ask for.......and I'm rich in those! Counting my blessings again!

Saturday 10 September 2011

Brickbats and Blessings

You can tell that I'm the Mistress Of Prevarication by the fact that I've managed so  many blogs recently! It's mostly because I'm trying to- but can't really, put off doing my tax return for much longer- especially as my classes resume in a couple of weeks, but I also have various disagreeable jobs to do that I'm not looking forward to......urrgh. excuse coming up....Sid as usual is doing his Whirling Dervish impressions in the kitchen- creating Damson Wine and baking there's no space for little ole me. I know from experience it's best to just keep out of his way!
Yesterday was a pretty awful day for me. I had a bank statement and things were worse than I expected, so then I was thrown into a distressed panic because I didn't know how I was going to solve it. After talking with Sid I became calmer and managed to get myself together to take some action. The worst is over for now, but the problems are not yet completely resolved. The whole experience left me feeling depressed and exhausted. Later in the evening Mel came around to try and fix my computer problems. After several hours hard labour (bless him!) he eventually admitted defeat, but not after he and Sid managed to rescue all my valuable files and load them onto Sid's laptop. I could have kissed them both I was so relieved! So, although it almost certainly means a new computer, Thank God for Mel and Sid for saving the day, and I'm so grateful we had Sid's laptop as backup. But I must admit I was really glad to go to bed last night!
However, a few days ago while talking to Peter about my money troubles, I suddenly got a flash of a book I had that I'd never read, that Maggy Whitehouse had written, and given to us when we interviewed her on the radio show. Last night I got it out and started reading it. Fantastic...just the tonic that I needed! It's called Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity, and it feels like it's just the perfect thing for me right now!Some of the info is stuff I already knew, but I really needed to hear it again, right now! And there is also some really insightful stuff there too. I need to turn my financial situation around, and this may be the way forward...thankyou Maggy!
Anyway, today I'm feeling a lot better. There's newly made Rosehip Syrup (made by moi) in the pantry, Sid is creating Damson Wine and Bread, and Mel gave us some yummy homemade jellies and jams, plus the pantry and kitchen are almost bursting at the seams with all the fruit and food processing that's going on, and that all feels really good! Gotta focus on the positive!
Just over a week to my classes so next week will be busy preparing stuff, and organising things. A few difficult phone calls and letters to write but I'm a grown up and I can do it! But there are also good things on the horizon- plans for the radio show, interviews, birthday party to go to, haflas and belly dance events to attend and organise, and time out with good friends.......counting my blessings again!

Friday 9 September 2011

Just bumbling along....

No radio show today as Peter has to get some repairs done to another computer and will take up the time- we didn't have a real live guest anyway so it wasn't a big deal, but it feels a bit odd to not be beavering away at last minute research like I usually am on a Friday morning. But next week it's back to grips with it all, as I do have a couple of pre-recorded interviews to do, with the organisers of the Shipston Loyalty Card Scheme, and a friend who is a Shaman.
Am doing a really good job of avoiding doing my tax return but as Sid wanted to use his computer yesterday afternoon (quite reasonably!), I was forced to start collating stuff (instead of checking my emails and playing on Facebook!). So at least I have started! And this weekend I have the rare pleasure of not having anything booked in so don't have any excuses not to carry on with the good work...urgh!
As usual I have got into Sloth Mode this holiday so have managed to leave class preparation stuff till the last minute, so next week will be very busy creating a choreography or two, and doing some research on Tribal Belly dance to pass onto the students. Have realised over the holidays that I would really like a bit more time (and less stress) to enjoy my own dancing, and even attend a few workshops purely for myself, to get back my mojo! A part time job would certainly help relieve the money situation and take some of the stress out of my work, plus I could then spend a little on myself for a change! That would be just great!
Still job hunting, but I realise I'm not well qualified for an office job or even a shop assistant!An ideal job would be something where I was maybe some kind of  tourist guide or meeter & greeter so I could put my gift of the gab to good use! But sadly most of the jobs in the papers are either cleaners, carers or drivers, or at the other end of the scale administration or team leaders. Haven't quite got to the desperate-enough-to-take-anything stage...yet.
Am working on trying to believe that if I trust the Universe will provide for me, it will. I know this to be true in theory- have had experience of it, but it's hard to maintain that belief constantly- especially when you are worrying about whether you can afford to put petrol in the car or if you have enough to buy food that week! It's like the 'higher' part of me believes it, it's just the 'lower' or littler part of me that needs convincing! A work in progress, methinks...........

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Moving On Up.....

It feels as if suddenly everything has gathered speed and broken into a trot! After so many weeks of feeling stuck it feels really good to get moving again- apparently Mercury has stopped being in retrograde- so that explains it all! All this new activity has cheered me up no end, but at the same time I mustn't go into overdrive and wear myself out. I think part of my depression has been due to tiredness, and I am feeling like I'd prefer to slow down a little generally. I've been working hard for so long, I think I'd like a little change. Like lots of people, I'm finding it hard to manage financially, and fewer students have meant less money, so I need something to supplement what I already earn. I'd like the space and time to go to workshops myself, and to be able to take a backseat occasionally.
I've been promoting the souk for all I'm worth, as time is of the essence, but so far have had to restrict my activities to online as I still can't get to all my old email addresses- the computer is still not working. Mel is coming around again this week to have another go so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can fix it, otherwise it will make life pretty complicated as my regular classes are starting again soon and I need to get to the info.
Peter and I are planning some developments with the radio show, but they are long term, so you'll all have to wait and see, but we're very excited about it all! The show is going well, although I'm having trouble finding guests for some reason...have run out of friends to invite on! We're looking into using Skype if people can't get to us, so that will open up various possibilities.
I've also created a Facebook page for Sid's culinary activities. I think he creates some amazing and interesting things (though not always to my taste!!) and think that the world needs to hear what he's up to. He refuses to sign up to Facebook so I'm doing it on his behalf- if we wait for him to design a website it may be some time.....
...and the good news is that I'm steadily losing weight, only a few pounds, but it's working!! Hurrah!

Sunday 4 September 2011

Tales of the Unexpected!

Had a very long day yesterday with two performances and a very early morning and very late night! This morning I am being a complete slob- well you have to keep the world in balance don't you?!
Had to get up horribly early (well for me at any rate!) to be ready, fully made up to meet the Shuvani girls at 8.30am to get into Moreton Show. It's a huge one day agricultural show that been going for years (like a mini Royal Show), and is a big date on the calender of all those huntin',shootin' n' fishin' types and all the farmers, toffs and horseowners for miles around. Got changed in the relatively private organisers tent along with all the shiny trophies, and then went to perform at the 'bandstand'. This was basically a small platform with a big gazebo over it in the middle of a grassed area with tents and stalls on all sides. Our first set was performed to a few coffee swilling tired individuals in an adjacent cafe and a trickle of bemused passers by. Under those circumstances it's like performing into a black hole- quite disconcerting, and not easy- but the girls coped admirably. But by our second set the sun had come out and so had the punters so this time we danced to an appreciative crowd which included a number of Zumbaholics (waiting for their turn on the stage), children, cafe customers, and a few dogs! Compared to the last set this was much better and we came away feeling the great buzz you get from a good performance.We didn't get paid for these performances, but we did get into the show free whereas it would have cost us £16.50 each! Anyway, back home after a short wander around. Lunch and then a brief lie down before a shower to prepare for the Glitterball Hafla in the evening. I only mention the shower because while washing my hair I got water in my contact lenses, which made my mascara run into my eyes, and smeared the lenses so I was looking through a smoky haze. Had to re-do my makeup like this, and also drive over to pick Vicky up before heading to Rubery for the hafla. Began to realise it was quite dangerous as it was like driving through fog, and I began thinking desperately of a solution. What about tears- could they clear the fog away? So I tried to think of the saddest and most upsetting things I could and made myself cry....and it worked!! LOL! Result! The hafla was a really enjoyable evening as it was the first one we'd been to in ages, and our pals Lynne and Julie from Kookie Kaftan were there, as well as my lovely friend Lucy. The  most memorable part of the evening was after I got changed ready to do my feather boa number to Etta James 'I just want to make Love to You'. Apparently they didn't have my music and could they have my CD? I'd thought I sent it by email several weeks ago (but the organisers hadn't received it!), and had forgotten to bring the CD as backup (which I usually do)...AAARGH!! Of course no one had a copy of that particular music so then various people suggested dancing to something else, dancing with a veil (Lucy) or dancing with finger cymbals (Vicky). Some one found a set of zils and after some frenzied hunting I found a track of a CD I hadn't used for about 5 years in my stall stock, and after listening for about 20 secs to the music, I was on!! Now I love improvising, but this did test my skills to the limit! I vaguely knew the music, but wasn't prepared for the drum solo section (!!), and the finger cymbals kept sliding around, but strangely enough I really enjoyed myself! I think that because I was thrown into the situation, I didn't have time to get nervous and the adrenaline was surging around my veins! Not an experience I'd want to revisit again soon, but a steep learning curve, and good fun in the end! The downside of the evening was that I only sold two items and barely covered the cost of the petrol. Ah, well, it was good to get back to it all, and I did have my naughty treat of the week (small bowl of chips and large coke) so all was not lost! Didn't get to bed until 1.00am so very tired and in Miss Slobby mode today...might need a little lie down later!
After so many weeks of feeling stuck and immobile it was great to get out and start doing something again. *Happy sigh*

Friday 2 September 2011

Post Fast and other stuff

Well I'm quite proud that I managed 50 hours of fasting!! In fact I'm rather amazed I did that much! I decided in the afternoon of the 2nd day to make a Marmite drink for Sid and I, and after Sid drank his he suddenly just slid into eating one thing after another at an alarming rate- which culminated in an evening meal for both of us. Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet or anything (hehe!) but Sid is usually the really disciplined one who has gone on fasts for days in the past- so I was fully expecting him to be nagging me into going on for longer! So I'm also delighted that I lost 5 lbs over the two days, but sadly seemed to have put a couple back on after eating again. It was hard won, though, and I wouldn't expect many people to keep that up for long...well, you'd die eventually wouldn't you!? I watched a TV programme last night where the researcher lost 4lbs over 14 days on the Dukan diet- and paid £100 for the privilege! Some people have more money than sense!!Maybe I should set up a business promoting fasting, and make lots of there's a thought! LOL!  But seriously, I'm determined to keep up the healthy eating with hardly any treats (maybe once a week) regime as that worked for me before, but I also have to do some regular moderate exercise. So I'm trying to do a few walks before the classes start in a couple of weeks. But Sid and I are both looking at changing some of the things we eat to help maintain weight loss, and to also help with arthritis. So we are trying to find substitutes for potatoes, pasta and rice, and most grain based foods. Not an easy task so we'll still have them occasionally, but we're going to try eating a bit more protein instead, like cheese, eggs and nuts, and of course up the veggies, fruit and salads. We tried the Hay diet a few years ago and lost quite a bit of weight , but it was very hard to maintain, especially when you went out anywhere. In any case for any diet to work, it's got to be realistic and manageable for you to keep it up permanently, and you don't want to become a social pariah just because you aren't eating certain foods. So I'll be saving the treats for those occasions when there won't be much alternative my therapeutic cuppa with Lucy next week, for example!

Anyway, apart from all of that I've decide that the souk is a go-er and have been busily beavering away to get the promo stuff out ASAP. Most teachers classes start this week or next so I'm just about on time to catch them all- especially any newbies who will be itching to buy a shimmy belt or sparkly costume once they get addicted to Belly Dance (which doesn't take very long!!).
Plus I've been preparing for the radio show today. We are currently trying to set up a Facebook page and also a web page for the show with a view to growing it in the long term. We have all sorts of plans under discussion, but as some of them will require money we may have to apply ourselves to business of finding some funding or a grant. But more of that as it unfolds.
Anyway, enough computer interface for now...see you all later, peeps!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Insight and Grumpiness

Day 2 of the fast. Not that I'm obsessed or anything, but my whole day yesterday was taken up with the unpleasantness of it all and how rough I was feeling.  I felt like I was getting a cold, had a low level headache, my eyes felt a bit bunged up and I couldn't seem to focus on anything for long. I spent most of the day mooning about, sleeping, and being grumpy, though I did manage a dance practise session in the evening. Sid suggested that as a special treat we could have a hot Marmite drink as that didn't have many calories...and that tasted fantastic! Felt much more cheerful after that! The rest of the time I survived on mint tea, some foul-rainwater-like oriental tea called Puer Er (that's meant to aid diets), and water. It's also interesting to note how I was feeling, that there were moments of panic where I thought I could be damaging myself. I have this theory that my body does have a mind of it's own and often wins arguments about what I eat and how much. When I had my hip and back problem I found myself crying for no apparent reason except that when I looked closely at it, it was as if my body was getting distressed about the damage that was happening to it. I'm guessing that the higher part of me is the one that can control the body, but the body has a very loud voice, and can shout the higher (or quieter) voice down, like a child that wants to get it's own way. If you listen to that higher voice it's the one that tells you when you've really had enough to eat, but it's the body mind that says it wants that extra slice of cake! So the difficult choice is which one to listen to!
Today I do feel a lot better, so I'm hoping it will be easier, but my intention was to kick-start a diet, not completely starve myself for a long period, so I may decide to eat something later. The good news is that I've already lost 4 pounds (in weight!!LOL!), though I realise that this was hard won and in any case it will level off when I start eating again. The best thing is to stay occupied so I don't get time to brood- need to keep the body mind out of mischief!

Off for a refreshing cup of Puer Er (not!!)...urrgh!

Tuesday 30 August 2011


Well, today is day one of the two day fast Sid and I are embarking on. I'm a bit nervous but am determined to give it a go as I really do need to kick start my efforts to lose some weight. Yesterday we kind-of semi-started the fast by missing out our midday meal and I didn't have any caffeine after about 11.00am, so was begginning to get a headache by the evening. There are several reasons for doing the fast, but I do think the universe was giving us both a hint when a book on fasting fell out of the bookcase while Sid was searching for something else! Apparently it can help with the symptoms of arthritis, and has helped lots of people to recover from various illnesses. Historically we would have had periods of naturally occurring fasting when food was scarce, which allowed our bodies to recover and heal themselves more efficiently. Animals also fast to recover from illness, and I guess we've just forgotten it's importance. Overloading your system with food and various stimulants means the body never gets a chance to cope properly with illness, plus many modern foods and drinks are full of fat, sugar and chemicals that are bad for us. I love my chocolate and cups of tea like lots of us, but recently have been feeling a bit 'overloaded'- my knees are complaining more than usual, I'm struggling to get upstairs, and I seem to be developing intolerance to various things I've previously been fine with- like commerically produced wheat, cows milk, cheese, and weirdly- feathers! I've also put on weight and this has affected my dancing, not to mention that I'm bursting out of my clothes and dance costumes! All in all this doesn't feel very good so reluctantly I've decided I need to develop a diet I can stick to for a long period, and up the exercise. About 3 years ago I got up to 13 stone which felt uncomfortable, so I changed my eating habits so I didn't have any 'messes' at home-no biscuits, cakes, chocolate, crisps, coke etc, but allowed myself treats when I went out (which was once a week at the most), and over 18 months I lost a stone. I wanted to lose it gradually so I didn't end up with lots of floppy bits, and felt really pleased with myself that I managed it! BUT I need to do that all over again, and the fast is just a way to kick start me off. Mind you, there's a serious chance I might fall off the wagon as soon as I've got on it, as I'm due to see my cake-making sister on that will be an interesting test!  But Sid is very enthusiastic about it all. He's very health conscious, and as we are vegetarians he has to be very creative with cooking to ensure we get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients we need from our food. We do eat a very interesting diet- especially if Sid  is experimenting with his latest discovery- which currently is fermented foods. Not so keen on those but am trying some of them as I know they are good for you.
So, I'm trying to occupy myself with various jobs that are overdue, just to take my mind off food!! But I am enjoying a cup of Chocolate Mint tea- it's an actual strain of mint that really smells of chocolate- like drinking an After Eight Mint! I read somewhere that smelling certain things like chocolate sets off pleasure signals in the brain so I'm hoping this will satisfy my cravings for a while!
Wish me luck....just another day and a half to go!

Sunday 28 August 2011

Ups and Downs

Today is a better day-especially as it is one in which I have earned some money! In fact I earned some money last night doing a play workshop for a college in Oxford, so it's been a good weekend so far.... The workshop last night was the return visit as I did a workshop for them last year. An old friend who knew about my clowning reccomended me to them for their annual conference. The organisation is the Guild of Pastoral Studies and Psychology, so most of the participants were either vicars, priests, rabbi's, nuns, academics and psychologists!! And I loved the idea of getting them playing together!Anyway, I persuaded Sid to come with me as assistant and we did lots of activities and games, mostly from my clowning days...and they seemed to have a great time! My favourite moment of the evening was seeing a nun in full habit pretending to be a balloon!! It inspires me to do more....
We were both tired today, but I had a performance at Welford Village Fete with Dee from Miramar (everyone else was either on holiday or otherwise engaged). It went surprisingly well considering the set up and weather! It was alternately wet and sunny beforehand and we had to dance on a raised grassy area right next to a busy road, but nevertheless we had a healthy number in our audience and an enthusiastic response to the dancing. We went away happy- and a little bit better off!
BUT the BIG problem I have at the moment is the computer. It has had problems for the last 3 weeks and 2 weeks ago simply refused to be switched on at all. Despite Sid's best efforts (and he's very tenacious and a perfectionist so I know he's put a lot of work into it), he couldn't solve the problem. So friend Mel who works in IT is currently looking to see if he can solve it. It's quite an old computer so I'm worried it could be serious- and possibly expensive to sort out. But the biggest problem is that I can't get into any of my files, fliers, photos and emails database, so can't send out any advertising or promo stuff for classes or the souk. This has serious consequences as I do most of my admin and promo work on it, but I'm trying to not be too pessimistic just yet until I get a final verdict from Mel....
Another worry is that I've put on rather a lot of weight recently. I'm not too worried about being a buxom lass- it kind of goes with the territory, but I'm bulging out of my bras and everything is feeling rather tight- plus my knees are complaining more than usual when I dance or try to go upstairs. I know it sounds like an excuse, but after a couple of weeks of resting after the end of the term I suddenly developed my back and hip problem so I could barely move for almost three more weeks, and during that time I had no choice but to sit around and of course eat more than I should have. Urrgh! So Sid and I have been talking about going on a fast- to tell the truth I'm a bit nervous about it, but I really do need to do something. Don't think I could manage more than a day or two at a time, but we'll give it a try. But I do still need to get back to eating less and exercising more.
However, it's also meant to be holiday time, so am determined to do some enjoyable things too and try not to worry too much. 
But, it's tea time now, so my caffeine fix is calling me...see yous all later!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Grumpy Slumping kind-of day!

Feels like another 'down' day today- but it's partly reactive, as the weather is very dull and overcast which does affect my mood, plus my 'silver' apostle spoons turned out to be electro plated and worth about £7 as opposed to £170! Gah!
Busking on Sunday was enjoyable again but earned me even less than last time! Not sure I'll be doing it again anytime soon, but I have learnt a lot and discovered that I do really still enjoy performing if I don't have any stress around it. I had some lovely compliments- including a proposition by email!!Lita and Roy Aylmer happened to come by and as Roy had his camera he took some great photos of me- so that was a bonus.
Yesterday turned out to be a little bit busy with a visit to my lovely homeopath in the morning, and short promo performance at Lifeways for an open day for Parkinson's sufferers in the afternoon. But the best part of the day was seeing my friend C looking so well when I went to visit her afterwards. She has been having radiotherapy and I've been going over regularly to give moral support and give her some Reiki. It's been doubly good because not only do I get to see my pal more regularly, but it's feeling really great to be using Reiki for something purposeful and other than for myself. You can't predict where the Reiki will go or what effect it will have, but it's benevolent and lovely and it feels great to be using it to help someone.
But today is feeling like another 'stuck' day. The homeopath has given me a kick-up-the-bum remedy which I  am currently taking so I'm hoping for an improvement tomorrow. Sid and I reserved these next two weeks as 'holiday' time with a plan to do a few things together, and although that's usually a good thing, I don't feel like doing anything today and would rather slump grumpily on the sofa and wait for my bad mood to pass. But having Sid around means I can't do that for long...grrrr. Words could be exchanged later.....! Just leave me alone to slink off into the corner and feel sorry for myself! Sometimes you just have to go with the feeling , knowing it will pass eventually. But it's not permanent, so don't worry folks. Just being my usual melodramatic self!
Time to exit stage left I think..........

Friday 19 August 2011

Subtle Shifting...

Am now having serious problems with my computer! I'm writing this using Sid's computer as he is out playing Robin Hood (and no it hasn't got soo bad that he's stealing from the rich to give to the poor -us!!It's archery in case you wondered). Sid has tried all sorts of tricks to get the computer going to no avail, and he's very tenacious, so sadly this probably means some official repairs are needed. As I use my computer so much for work this has serious implications as I can't access all my photos, fliers or email addresses. I am managing some basic word processing on Sid's computer but for anything more complicated I'm stuck! So am waiting for Mel to get back off holiday for him to have a look before taking any further action.
A very good piece of news is that I sold my Clarice Cliffe sugar shaker for a very good sum yesterday! I was sorry to see it go but in truth it had been sitting gathering dust in the china cabinet for years- and I need the dosh! Excited by the experience Sid and I have now been feverishly scouring the house or further hidden treasures. I have feeling that that was probably one of very few items of any value but you never know...I've got various odds and ends I inherited when my parents died, and even if they only fetch a few quid then it all helps. I also feel as if it's a gesture towards clearing the house of junk with a view to eventually downsizing in the next few years.
I've also been scouring the papers for any likely jobs with no success, either, but at least I'm showing willing by putting some energy into it. After feeling so down the other day I sent some Reiki to the situation and also did a bit of 'left hand/stream of conciousness/automatic' writing too, and it feels as if something has subtlely shifted. Must not lose momentum- need to fit some more in. Discipline needed!
I've also decided to give the busking another go. This time I have just two half hour spots and one is in Henley Street (prime spot!). It's also a Sunday this time, so all I need now to help me is the weather and many generous appreciative people!
Could waffle on for longer, but time is getting on and I need to go and buy a birthday card and do some preparation for the radio show today, so will wave goodbye until the next time.....Toodle Pip Boys and Girls!

Wednesday 17 August 2011

Struggling with myself....

Am having very difficult day today- or rather it has been so far-there is still time for it to improve! I've been having problems with my computer refusing to open or opening and then crashing and though Sid has spent quite a lot of time on it he says he is running out of options. This probably means sending it to computer hospital, which has all sorts of implications that don't bear thinking about. So, earlier, trying not to be daunted, I got together my china pieces to sell, along with some jewellery samples to show a shop in Stratford (also to meet Peter re some radio show stuff) and set off in the car. Coming out of the drive the car made a ghastly noise and seemed to list to the right.I drew into the next turning opposite the house  and discovered that I had a completely flat front tyre. So flat, in fact that I couldn't get it pumped up with my footpump. Had to throw myself on the mercies of our marvellous and trusty repair man, Tim, and he agreed to come out and take a look at it ASAP. So that put paid to my trip to Stratford, at least for today! So I now have the prospect of no computer and a possible bill to repair it, and no car and a possible bill for that too...and to add insult to injury (yes, really- INJURY!), my hip and back seems a bit worse again today (probably due to the short walk we did yesterday).Unsurprisingly I am feeling very down and fed up. I feel as if every attempt I make to try and improve things/earn money/get a job, is being thwarted at every turn! I'm feeling a bit trapped and don't know which way to go.
The computer has all my files on it not to mention all my email contacts, and although I can do a limited amount on Sid's laptop, it means I can't organise or prepare anything for classes or the souk- it could be very serious if I can't get it fixed pronto. BUT I just don't have any money to pay for any of this!
Just before I started writing I read my previous blog and I reckon I should be listening to myself more- I was writing about the need for change and how it should start with yourself. I'm not taking my own advice! Peter reckons that I'm due for a kind of spiritual 'clearout', and I'm inclined to agree. I feel as if I'm being backed into a corner so I have no choice but to go within and consult with my higher self. I do have a sense of having to let go of certain ways of doing things, and needing to change my mind set...but that can be very hard. But it doesn't look as if I have any choice!
All I can say for now this space!

Monday 15 August 2011

Time for Change?

Felt really emotional all day yesterday and for anyone who knows me that's not a good thing! I'm a bit of a drama queen and can get a bit OTT and dramatic, and tiredness just amplifies it. But, although I'm feeling a lot more centred and calm today, the problems are still there. The trick is how I decide to deal with them.
I do take the view that I (and anyone else) am capable of changing my world simply by thinking it into being, but we all have so many inbuilt or learned behaviours that it can be very hard to work out how we are sabotageing ourselves or preventing ourselves from fulfilling our greatest potential! I know I have potential power, but am trying to wrestle with the reasons I'm not allowing it into being. I think we British have such inbuilt reserve that we feel we can't allow our true power out in case we are seen as brash, or boastful or unpopular etc...or is that just me?!! BUT we can be powerful, it's just how we manifest it in the world- we've all met those who use power badly and harm others in the process, but we don't have to follow those models or fear we will make the same mistakes! I try to refer back to my inner guide or higher self, (although that can be quite tricky as sometimes it whispers very quietly!), and if I truly act on that inner message, I can be powerful and centred in a way that has integrity and truth in it. But I make mistakes, and sometimes my ego gets in the way and insists I do what IT wants- I'm learning like everyone else! I believe though, that we now have the opportunity to change the old ways of doing things, and learn new behaviour. 2012 is a pointer to the potential for changing the world and discarding the old systems and ways of behaving that we humans have been involved in for millennia. It seems to me that the message is that the old ways aren't working anymore, and in fact are having an adverse effect on ourselves and the world...and the best place to start change is yourself!

Sunday 14 August 2011

My Busking Experience

Am sooo tired after yesterday's activities that I suspect it is affecting me emotionally. I am feeling quite depressed and low and very worried about my financial situation.
But back to the busking experience....I decided to wear a galabeya, as it didn't reveal too much and was comfortable to dance in, and after changing at Peter's house I walked down with my trusty purple trolley containing the amp, CD player and various props, CD's and my lunch. I set up at the first spot and after playing a bit of incidental musc to attract attention, I just launched into my first set. I'd created CD's each with four tracks of different types including some veil dances and zils.I decided to improvise as that's what I prefer and it's more flexible. It's pretty hard dancing out doors as I don't feel very centred, so concentrated in dancing to please myself, though I did have a little gentle fun with a few people- like the little 2 year old who tried to copy me, the students who wanted a photo for their project, and a good natured slightly merry guy whose friend took a picture of him joining in! A lot of little girls were fascinated with what I was doing and I earna few pennies from them! After a couple of 20 mins sets I had a short break to eat my sarnies and then set up at another designated spot. This place was a bit more exposed and very breezy so although I had a dismal attempt to perform with a veil, I then concentrated on zils and prop-less performance. When the wind died down a bit I risked using my fan veils and this got a lot of interested attention. By this point I was getting very tired but was bouyed up by the jovial response of the passers by, and had a number of boisterous teenagers and a game biker joining it for a while! After I'd packed up and was ready to go, one older lady called me over and said I should go on Britains Got Talent (bless her!), and also said I was better than the dancers she'd seen in Turkey- so that's where I'm going wrong.....obviously I should be over there earning a living...would be very nice! Was suddenly soo tired I could hardly put one foot in front of the other, but managed to drag myself and my stiff and swollen knees back to Peter's house.  Amazingly I hardly felt the hip and back problem or noticed the tiredness until the end, think the adrenaline kept me going! But I also was suprised how much I enjoyed improvising in front of the public's been a while, and after being incapable for so long it felt really good to be moving again. BUT the big down side is that it was an awful lot of work for so little money. I made the grand total of £11.36 for about an hour and 20 mins of solid dancing- not a very good return! And that isn't counting the petrol and the time it took to prepare. AND I discovered when I got back that someone had nicked one of my BDSS CD's that had been lying next to the amp while I was performing... that certainly left a bad taste, and I felt really cross about that! So, I'm pretty ambivalent about doing it again. Maybe a different day and performance spot would make a difference, but there's no denying it's a hard way to earn a living. Restaurant work is also hard but not as tiring as this was- and it's better paid - perhaps I should consider that again? Feeling very confused and not a little bit demoralised - and still penniless!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Hip, hip hooray!

I'm feeling quite perky at the moment, and much of it is due to the fact that my hip/back has improved a lot, to the extent where I have committed myself to doing some busking this saturday! But more of that later....
The hip and back have improved steadily so now I can lie flat and even get a reasonable sleep at night. It still complains if I overuse it, but mostly in the evenings. I was trying a bit of dancing tentatively yesterday and I realised how much I'd missed being able to dance...that it felt really good! But the enforced rest has given me time for some contemplation, as well as some creative jobs that I don't often have time for, so it's not all bad! I've been thinking for some time that I'd like to explore the spiritual side of Belly Dance, and am drawn to researching and playing with the symbolic shapes that we do as dance moves, with the aim of self realisation and healing. Not sure if that will just remain as an interesting side line or grow into something more substantial, we'll see.
The job hunting is not producing any results so far, I'm sorry to report. I didn't get the full time job I applied for- didn't even get an interview and I reckon I was fairly well qualified for it, too, so it just shows how things are at the moment. They decided so quickly that I wonder if it was really an inside job, and they only advertised it because they are legally obliged to. Hmpf! Their loss!! So, am back to relying on my own resources again and have been touting my jewellery around a number of local shops hoping they might take some on a sale or return basis. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme but at least it will bring a steady trickle of cash in- I hope!
I've almost given up on selling my table as I'm not prepared to let it go for peanuts, and dining tables are just not very popular at the moment, I've been told. Have now moved to examining the antique china I inherited with a view to selling some of that. I must admit to being continously mildy anxious about it getting damaged and don't anyway have the same emotional attachment to it I once had- so one or two of the most choice pieces may have to go...unless there's no interest in china either!
The busking I mentioned earlier is another attempt at earning some money, and also has the added benefit of advertising myself and my classes to the ladies of Stratford. I don't get too nervous about performing in public or out of doors normally, but then it's usually with one of the two troupes, but doing it solo is another kettle of fish altogether! But I'm willing to give it a try. I must admit to not being very impressed with a couple of buskers I saw there the other day- they were meant to be 'living statues' in period costume, but they hardly stood still for more than a few minutes at a time, and mostly just posed for photographs with members of the public! Where is the skill in that?! There are, of course quite a few talented performers around, and as Stratford has an organised scheme they all get a fair chance at the best spots available around the town. I'll be at the amphitheatre on the Bancroft Gardens, and opposite the Encore pub on Waterside doing half hour spots between 12-3.00. I think it may be the Bulldog Bash this weekend, so I might be performing to gangs of bikers....eeek!
One of the reasons I'm feeling much better is a meditation I did with Peter. He has been teaching meditation for a long time, and has developed his own meditations working with earth energies. The meditation we did involved some visualisation which I really like, and it left me feeling much more confident, and feeling like knots had been loosened! I am currently trying persuade him to put these on DVD or CD so lots of people could benefit, but as he's trying to get a website up and running it could take some time.....but if any of you are interested, he runs regular clases in Stratford.
Right, almost time for tea, so I must sign off for now. Wish me luck for saturday!

Friday 5 August 2011

Getting better, and other related stuff....

Just a leetle teensy weeny blogette as there are things to be done and Sid will be home and hungry soon!
The hip/back thingy turned a corner rather abruptly around Wednesday, I'm delighted to report! Think it may have been a combination of Bowen, Reiki and Activated Chi treatment that did the trick! Still getting some pain and numbness but it's a lot better and I can take weight on the leg and even managed a few tentative belly dance moves! Didn't run Wednesday's class as I only had two students and anyway am being cautious about my body. Still got a way to go yet so no busking this weekend either, I think!
However, am off to Brum tomorrow to take the stall to a craft fair, so am hoping to sell plenty of stock- have been making few more items like fascinators, veils and gauntlets.
Sid persuaded me to weigh myself today - and I immediately regretted it! I've been trying to ignore the fact that I'd obviously put on some weight, although in my defence I haven't been able to exercise as much as usual over the last couple of weeks! But I'm horrified at how much the weight has crept back on so will be doing some more severe cutting down of messes for the time being! I lost about a stone a few years ago by simply cutting out 'naughties' at home and only occaisionally having treats when out, and I did it very slowly over 18 months cos I had visions of lots of flappy bits if I did it too quickly! Not looking forward to doing it for so long again but needs must etc!
OK, have just realised that this blog is now getting FAR too large as well (!), and the time is getting on so will sign off for now. Toodle Pip old chaps!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hip & Bum continued....

Just a word of warning...the hip and bum situation is uppermost, so if you are bored at listening to someone moan about their back problems....switch off now! You have been warned!
Although the anti-inflammatories have helped a bit, I am still in pain and (surprise surprise!) the exercises are not shifting it. I am now convinced that the sciatic nerve is trapped or being pinched and that it really needs a good old poke and prod to release it. I don't have pins and needles any more, but this has now been replaced by a slight numbness and I also seemed to have developed swollen ankles last night because I'm not moving around enough! I'm wondering if my knee injury in Feb has somehow affected my pelvis and this has had a knock on effect. Am getting quite upset and frustrated as this is affecting my ability to dance and teach, and that is potentially very serious! Anyway, Peter has kindly agreed to give me some Activated Chi treatment and my dear pal Claire has also given me a little Bowen Technique, so I am optimistic that will all help, at least for the time being, anyway Thank goodness I don't have my full workload of teaching at the moment. I do, however, have a drop in class arranged for tomorrow night and I'm gingerly trying out the moves I had planned to see if it's at all feasible to go ahead. Last week I only had 2 students which didn't cover the cost of the hall so I'm concerned that I might be making my hip worse for so little income. As to the busking....I didn't attempt it last week and unless there are some dramatic changes I won't be up to it this weekend either.

Last Sundays Tea Party went really well and we had a very good turnout. Think it may have been a lucky combination of sunny weather, therapies and free cake! But all bouyed up by it's success we are contemplating hosting another in the autumn. This coming Saturday I am doing a Craft Fair in Brum- don't very often do them as most of my jewellery is very belly dance orientated, but I've recently been trying to make stuff that is more mainstream. This Sat is a vintage and craft fair so I'm hoping that my rather specialised stock will appeal to the (rather specialised!) clientile, and that I make some money!

The back problem has me feeling very unmotivated as just about everything I have or want to do requires some mobility, maybe I'll have to resort to sewing and jewellery making for the moment.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Hips, Bums and Sums

Well I bit the bullet and went to see the Doctor on Monday , and he said it was a compressed nerve (Sid might say my nerves are definitely compressed- usually all the time!!), and as I said it was affecting my ability to work he said he'd get me an urgent physiotherapy appointment, and gave me some anti-inflammatory tablets. Amazingly I got the appointment for this morning! Although the therapist was lovely and very professional all she did was give me some exercises to do!! They are like gentle yoga stretches that I could in fact, have worked out for myself, but most of all I was disappointed that there wasn't anything manipulative involved. I was rather looking forward to having things poked and prodded as this is what I have experienced when having Chiropractic and Shiatsu. So although things have improved I'm still suffering from pain....grrr! Will dilligently do the exercises as instructed until the next appointment, and we'll see how things are....
I've decided to go ahead with my class tonight, but have changed the subject matter to finger cymbals as I can sit or remain stationary for most of it. However, the students will have to be mobile! I once read somewhere that if you learnt zils (or sagat) sitting down you would never be able to combine it with dancing, so I always get everyone walking first then building up to simple travelling steps, then moves. Am also planning some partner work where people will play counter or complimentary rhythms together.
Have applied for a full time job which if I got would triple my income!!! That indicates how little I earn! But it would also mean rejigging things around in my life quite a lot.....but let's wait and see if I get an interview first! Am still continuing to scour the papers and noticeboards locally for anything else that might be suitable. Meanwhile I am making jewellery, doing some sewing jobs, and looking for gigs for the stall. Along with Fiona, Vic and Angela I am organising The Bizarre Bazaar Tea Party for this coming Sunday, so we are all hoping for good weather and a wonderful turnout. I've done a lot of advertising on the internet- email and Facebook so I think we will get a better attendance than previously.... or maybe it could be something to do with the mention of free tea and cakes! Hopefully I will do at least as well as last weekend.
In another attempt to earn extra dosh I had offerred myself as a dancing busker to the busking scheme based in Stratford. Not sure if it will bring any money in, as when we did this as Miramar we only got about £15! However, I'm optimistic that it might appeal as something exotic and different, and I can use the opportunity to advertise myself and the classes. I've offered to do a day this weekend,'s all dependent on the hip and bum situation!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday scribbling and hip problems

Since I can't really go any where or do anything I figured I may just as well have a little blogette!
Well, when I say I can't do anything that is a slight exaggeration (I am prone to that you may have noticed!), but what started as a twinge in my left buttock, has now turned into a full blown agonising problem! I'm not aware of doing anything that caused it specifically, but it has travelled to hip, lower leg and even across my lower back to my right hip! I think it's muscular, but even after copious amounts of Reiki, healing, deep heat and even some very painful stretching and massage, it's still a problem. Think I may have to (reluctantly) go to see the doc. Hmpf ! So, as a result I am not able to scuttle around busily as usual, and am trying to find things I can do sitting....blogging maybe!! I've even been taking one of Sid's tinctures (Willow bark) to keep the pain at bay....don't really like doing this as I'm concerned that lack of warning pain could cause me to inadvertantly make it worse, but needs must etc. Unfortunately all these problems and injuries are all too common among althletes and dancers it seems, so mostly I just put up with it and accept it's part of the job, but it's making me seriously consider how much longer I can continue with my present dance workload....not wanting to to cut down or stop anytime soon, but we'll have to see how things develop.
Anyway, had a lovely (though not so profitable) day at BAMBA yesterday. The festival is on it's second year, so I thought it might have attracted a greater number of attendees from last year, but not so. Seems that everyone is sufferring from the same problems...namely money, so there wasn't such a good turnout as previously. Or if there was, they didn't come into the souk! It was great to see pals Fiona, Angela, Julie & Lynne and their Mum, Kay Taylor and Debbie Williams and various others, but  because there were quiet spells we rather overindulged ourselves. Think I managed to eat a weeks worth of calories and sugar in one day! Don't tell Sid, but I had chocolate, chocolate cake, a doughnut, a cereal bar, banana, egg sandwiches, crisps, ice cream, chips and veggie burger, and coca cola....all the baddest and yummiest things all in one sugar and fat-fest! I'm amazed that this morning I'm not suffering from a sugar 'downer' or gall bladder fat-fallout, but (apart from the hip thingy) I'm fine!
But now I'm worrying abut my ability to do the things I've arranged this next week which includes teaching one dance class and various errands. Suddenly am having to consider if there is much walking or any steps to contend with for each outing. Oh dear....need to get this fixed, pronto!
Am realising this is turning into another moan so think I'd better sign off before I bore you all off your perches!! Back soon!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Itty-Bitty Blog

One thing in life is certain- change! Think I might be paraphrasing a bit there, but you get my drift! Although I don't feel much different from Monday, a number of very small things have occurred which have in turn created little changes, so there has definitely been a shift.

Found a couple of interesting jobs, but one meant a LOT of walking (and it was working all weekend) so I decided I just physically couldn't do that one, and the other looks as if it is full time...but it IS daytime work. I just need to find out  a bit more detail on that one. But at least they are jobs that would ultilise my talents, instead of shelf filling. Mind you, I think I could do that very artistically, just not sure any shops would allow experimental sculpture displays!

Lack of money is at least keeping me at home and forcing me to tackle a few jobs I've been putting off for a long time. I am the Great Procrastinator- should have a degree in it I have got soo skilled at avoidance! So, you know things are serious when I finally start cleaning because there is nothing else to do!!! But I have made quite a few new pairs of earrings and some jewelled collars for the stall for Saturday's event at BAMBA. Haven't been out to any belly dance events for at least two weeks and am getting withdrawl symptoms, so am really looking forward to it.

Have also recently come across a wonderful singer called Caro Emerald- although everyone else seems to have heard of her already!! But her music is variously 30's, 40's and 50's inspired and very danceable! It's very much in the same vein as Caravan Palace, so it's impossible to keep your feet still. There is definitely a choreography in there, waiting to come out!

Feels like this is turning out to be a very itty-bitty kind of blog, as I'm jumping all over the place with my subjects....but maybe that's just indicative of the way my life is at the moment! Sigh. Better jump into working then, I suppose.........

Sunday 17 July 2011

Reasons To Be Cheerful, and Slow Travel

Haven't written for a few days as I was still languishing in the Slough of Despond, but today it feels as if a cloud has lifted, and I'm feeling mildly cheerful- but not tooo much, just a Mona Lisa-smile-kind-of amount. When I feel like this it's useful to make a little list of the 'reasons to be cheerful', or find time to count your blessings, and that usually does the trick. In fact it's a good technique to being happy apparently-focus on the good things rather than the bad. goes with my current list.....

I'm healthy and fit (ish)
I don't have a mortgage (and the house is ours)
I have a big house with lots of space and a wonderfully wild garden
I have a loving and funny husband
I have enough to eat (and can even find a little extra for treats!)
I have clothes (some might say too many)
I have lots of sparkly costumes and the opportunity to wear them and perform in them (happy sigh here)
I have lots of wonderful and amazing friends
I have a great bunch of students
I get to do some exciting things- the radio show, performing as a dancer
I'm self employed and don't have to answer to anyone (that's especially good...LOL!)
It's a sunny summers day with birds tweeting in the trees and I live in a beautiful place.

I think I could add a few more to that but then I'd be just lisitng and not writing an blog...cheating in my book! But of course some of the things on the list might be less important one day to the next and I might also want to add or delete things depending on the circumstances, the time of year, my mood, and the weather! And it's all relative, too. I consider myself lucky compared to the lives some people lead or have to suffer. What we consider difficult here in the west bears no comparison to someone living in Africa or the Middle East right now. But I do believe that we are where we are for a reason, even if it's our choice to be there, and the Universe/God/Goddess makes good where ever we place ourselves, and still manages to give us the lessons we need right here and now. So whether I live in war torn Libya or peaceful Warwickshire I will get the opportunity to learn what I need to. Whether I choose to take up the challenge or not is another matter....! You can tell I'm 'on holiday' can't you? I don't usually have much time to contemplate my navel and get all philosophical, but it's no bad thing. In fact quite a lot of the reasons people love going on holiday is that free from the everyday slog and grind, you actually get the chance to contemplate the things that matter, usually with those you love. For me that helps sort my priorities out and makes me grateful for what I've got, as well as giving me the spiritual boost I need. No wonder everyone loves a holiday! But it does beg the qeustion of why we feel so much better when away? If our lives are so awful and difficult so as to need a holiday in the first place, that suggests that most of the year we are unhappy or dissatisfied. My Dad only ever took one holiday in his life...his honeymoon- and according to my Mum they had to come back after two days as a cow got sick!! But he was a farmer and and loved what he did, so he didn't need a holiday. I do have to admit at this point that he was even more of a control freak than I am , and couldn't trust anyone else to look after the running of the farm, but I suppose my point is that if our lives were less stressful and slower, perhaps we wouldn't feel we needed a holiday. Don't get me wrong, I love visiting new places and discovering new cultures and experiencing the scenery, but it's something to do with the desperate drive to escape off somewhere that doesn't seem right.
Ever heard of the Slow Movement? It's a concept first introduced by an Italian who despaired of the way we were getting addicted to fast food. He is an advocate of Slow Food, which means having long meals in the company of friends and family and really enjoying the experience... and this concept has spread into all sorts of areas of life and has even been taken up by cities all over the world. So there are now Slow Cities, as well as Slow Exercise and....Slow Sex!! So type in Slow Movement into your search engine....and you'll see what I mean! Sid and I have been talking about having a Slow Holiday for a while, as neither of us like flying much and are uneasy about the carbon footprint as well as not wanting to face all the restricitions placed on travellers by the airlines. So we have been considering various options...the long term favourite is to buy a camper van and do a tour of Europe for two or three months, but that's quite a big project that will take some preparing for. But other options include shorter length holidays driving ourselves around Europe, taking public transport like trains and buses, and also taking ferries to different places. But this kind of travel isn't quick, so we are talking about taking your time to enjoy the experience, and make the journey an important part of the holiday. I realise that most people don't have the luxury of taking off a leisurely month or so for a break, but this concept could apply to holidays in this country. There are some wonderful train routes and marvellous scenic roads in this green and pleasant land of ours, if we just took time to stop occaisonally and enjoy smelling the flowers or counting cows.....or something! Hmmmm. Well I've run out of steam (and tea!) so I think it's time to sign off and go do something useful...or nice...or both!!