Sunday 24 July 2011

Sunday scribbling and hip problems

Since I can't really go any where or do anything I figured I may just as well have a little blogette!
Well, when I say I can't do anything that is a slight exaggeration (I am prone to that you may have noticed!), but what started as a twinge in my left buttock, has now turned into a full blown agonising problem! I'm not aware of doing anything that caused it specifically, but it has travelled to hip, lower leg and even across my lower back to my right hip! I think it's muscular, but even after copious amounts of Reiki, healing, deep heat and even some very painful stretching and massage, it's still a problem. Think I may have to (reluctantly) go to see the doc. Hmpf ! So, as a result I am not able to scuttle around busily as usual, and am trying to find things I can do sitting....blogging maybe!! I've even been taking one of Sid's tinctures (Willow bark) to keep the pain at bay....don't really like doing this as I'm concerned that lack of warning pain could cause me to inadvertantly make it worse, but needs must etc. Unfortunately all these problems and injuries are all too common among althletes and dancers it seems, so mostly I just put up with it and accept it's part of the job, but it's making me seriously consider how much longer I can continue with my present dance workload....not wanting to to cut down or stop anytime soon, but we'll have to see how things develop.
Anyway, had a lovely (though not so profitable) day at BAMBA yesterday. The festival is on it's second year, so I thought it might have attracted a greater number of attendees from last year, but not so. Seems that everyone is sufferring from the same problems...namely money, so there wasn't such a good turnout as previously. Or if there was, they didn't come into the souk! It was great to see pals Fiona, Angela, Julie & Lynne and their Mum, Kay Taylor and Debbie Williams and various others, but  because there were quiet spells we rather overindulged ourselves. Think I managed to eat a weeks worth of calories and sugar in one day! Don't tell Sid, but I had chocolate, chocolate cake, a doughnut, a cereal bar, banana, egg sandwiches, crisps, ice cream, chips and veggie burger, and coca cola....all the baddest and yummiest things all in one sugar and fat-fest! I'm amazed that this morning I'm not suffering from a sugar 'downer' or gall bladder fat-fallout, but (apart from the hip thingy) I'm fine!
But now I'm worrying abut my ability to do the things I've arranged this next week which includes teaching one dance class and various errands. Suddenly am having to consider if there is much walking or any steps to contend with for each outing. Oh dear....need to get this fixed, pronto!
Am realising this is turning into another moan so think I'd better sign off before I bore you all off your perches!! Back soon!

1 comment:

  1. As we age, our bodies begin to wear down. This includes the tendons, muscles and bones in our bodies. As it is a weight bearing joint, the hip joints often suffers greatly as we grow older. If you have had a recent injury to any part of your body, this could be the culprit of your hip joint pain.
    hip replacement wait times
