Wednesday 31 August 2011

Insight and Grumpiness

Day 2 of the fast. Not that I'm obsessed or anything, but my whole day yesterday was taken up with the unpleasantness of it all and how rough I was feeling.  I felt like I was getting a cold, had a low level headache, my eyes felt a bit bunged up and I couldn't seem to focus on anything for long. I spent most of the day mooning about, sleeping, and being grumpy, though I did manage a dance practise session in the evening. Sid suggested that as a special treat we could have a hot Marmite drink as that didn't have many calories...and that tasted fantastic! Felt much more cheerful after that! The rest of the time I survived on mint tea, some foul-rainwater-like oriental tea called Puer Er (that's meant to aid diets), and water. It's also interesting to note how I was feeling, that there were moments of panic where I thought I could be damaging myself. I have this theory that my body does have a mind of it's own and often wins arguments about what I eat and how much. When I had my hip and back problem I found myself crying for no apparent reason except that when I looked closely at it, it was as if my body was getting distressed about the damage that was happening to it. I'm guessing that the higher part of me is the one that can control the body, but the body has a very loud voice, and can shout the higher (or quieter) voice down, like a child that wants to get it's own way. If you listen to that higher voice it's the one that tells you when you've really had enough to eat, but it's the body mind that says it wants that extra slice of cake! So the difficult choice is which one to listen to!
Today I do feel a lot better, so I'm hoping it will be easier, but my intention was to kick-start a diet, not completely starve myself for a long period, so I may decide to eat something later. The good news is that I've already lost 4 pounds (in weight!!LOL!), though I realise that this was hard won and in any case it will level off when I start eating again. The best thing is to stay occupied so I don't get time to brood- need to keep the body mind out of mischief!

Off for a refreshing cup of Puer Er (not!!)...urrgh!

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