Saturday 10 December 2011

Bits and Pieces

Yet another long gap between blogs...but it's mostly because I've been busy. And, that is a good thing in my book! However, I have had a couple of days where I was almost running from one thing to another....that might be just a little too much stress for today I'm really enjoying a kind of day off where I don't have to be anywhere or do anything...lovely!
Some of the busy-ness was earning money, which is very good, but there are still bills to pay and I don't know where the money is going to come from before January. I'm just hoping the Universe will cast a few more gifts or opportunities my way very soon! Otherwise several people will be very miffed with me as they won't be getting any birthday/Christmas presents!
I've now officially finished classes for Christmas, but there have been a number of stall gigs and a few meet-ups with pals and students, plus trying to fit in the usual radio show stuff, the minimum amount of housework I can get away with, as well as trying to create our own Christmas cards. I'm looking forward to having a break, and as usual have several jobs and projects in mind, though I have a feeling that I will probably end up slumped on the sofa watching TV- just for the pure novelty of it! But I need my creative fix, so will be making some more jewellery stock to replenish what I've sold over the last couple of weeks. I haven't sold anything from the Folksy site, but I must admit I haven't advertised it widely yet, but I've got a local shop to agree to selling a few things for me, so I hope that will be a go-er.
I also seem to have got my mojo back....well in a quiet and modest kind of way, anyhow. Having to been to several haflas I've been interested, inspired and excited by what I've seen, but don't quite feel like rushing off to create a west end musical just yet! I think that what I may do in the future will be about taking a different approach or direction. I 'm not planning to give up the dancing, but it may be necessary for it to take a more minor role- I'm prepared for that, but I've noticed that having fewer classes has reduced the stress levels a lot which is really good. I love dancing, but I've neglected my own enjoyment to a large extent in my efforts to be a good teacher- and in order to stay in love with it I need to get some nourishment from it myself. By the way, the Body Talk workshop I did for The Alternative Show went very well. Although I only had six participants, they all gave really good feedback, and everyone seemed to get something out of it, so I am inspired to carry on researching and developing it.
Still no jobs on the horizon, although I am carrying on looking. I suspect as usual the Universe wants me to do my own thing. Really happy to do that, but I need to earn more money doing it, you guys upstairs!!
Anyway, as I have a bit more time on my hands, you may well be hearing more from me over the next few weeks. Brace yourselves for possible tantrums, tears, boredom, apathy, joy, and the odd outbreak of drunkeness, despair and happiness!

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