Friday 5 August 2011

Getting better, and other related stuff....

Just a leetle teensy weeny blogette as there are things to be done and Sid will be home and hungry soon!
The hip/back thingy turned a corner rather abruptly around Wednesday, I'm delighted to report! Think it may have been a combination of Bowen, Reiki and Activated Chi treatment that did the trick! Still getting some pain and numbness but it's a lot better and I can take weight on the leg and even managed a few tentative belly dance moves! Didn't run Wednesday's class as I only had two students and anyway am being cautious about my body. Still got a way to go yet so no busking this weekend either, I think!
However, am off to Brum tomorrow to take the stall to a craft fair, so am hoping to sell plenty of stock- have been making few more items like fascinators, veils and gauntlets.
Sid persuaded me to weigh myself today - and I immediately regretted it! I've been trying to ignore the fact that I'd obviously put on some weight, although in my defence I haven't been able to exercise as much as usual over the last couple of weeks! But I'm horrified at how much the weight has crept back on so will be doing some more severe cutting down of messes for the time being! I lost about a stone a few years ago by simply cutting out 'naughties' at home and only occaisionally having treats when out, and I did it very slowly over 18 months cos I had visions of lots of flappy bits if I did it too quickly! Not looking forward to doing it for so long again but needs must etc!
OK, have just realised that this blog is now getting FAR too large as well (!), and the time is getting on so will sign off for now. Toodle Pip old chaps!

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