Friday 2 September 2011

Post Fast and other stuff

Well I'm quite proud that I managed 50 hours of fasting!! In fact I'm rather amazed I did that much! I decided in the afternoon of the 2nd day to make a Marmite drink for Sid and I, and after Sid drank his he suddenly just slid into eating one thing after another at an alarming rate- which culminated in an evening meal for both of us. Not that I'm blowing my own trumpet or anything (hehe!) but Sid is usually the really disciplined one who has gone on fasts for days in the past- so I was fully expecting him to be nagging me into going on for longer! So I'm also delighted that I lost 5 lbs over the two days, but sadly seemed to have put a couple back on after eating again. It was hard won, though, and I wouldn't expect many people to keep that up for long...well, you'd die eventually wouldn't you!? I watched a TV programme last night where the researcher lost 4lbs over 14 days on the Dukan diet- and paid £100 for the privilege! Some people have more money than sense!!Maybe I should set up a business promoting fasting, and make lots of there's a thought! LOL!  But seriously, I'm determined to keep up the healthy eating with hardly any treats (maybe once a week) regime as that worked for me before, but I also have to do some regular moderate exercise. So I'm trying to do a few walks before the classes start in a couple of weeks. But Sid and I are both looking at changing some of the things we eat to help maintain weight loss, and to also help with arthritis. So we are trying to find substitutes for potatoes, pasta and rice, and most grain based foods. Not an easy task so we'll still have them occasionally, but we're going to try eating a bit more protein instead, like cheese, eggs and nuts, and of course up the veggies, fruit and salads. We tried the Hay diet a few years ago and lost quite a bit of weight , but it was very hard to maintain, especially when you went out anywhere. In any case for any diet to work, it's got to be realistic and manageable for you to keep it up permanently, and you don't want to become a social pariah just because you aren't eating certain foods. So I'll be saving the treats for those occasions when there won't be much alternative my therapeutic cuppa with Lucy next week, for example!

Anyway, apart from all of that I've decide that the souk is a go-er and have been busily beavering away to get the promo stuff out ASAP. Most teachers classes start this week or next so I'm just about on time to catch them all- especially any newbies who will be itching to buy a shimmy belt or sparkly costume once they get addicted to Belly Dance (which doesn't take very long!!).
Plus I've been preparing for the radio show today. We are currently trying to set up a Facebook page and also a web page for the show with a view to growing it in the long term. We have all sorts of plans under discussion, but as some of them will require money we may have to apply ourselves to business of finding some funding or a grant. But more of that as it unfolds.
Anyway, enough computer interface for now...see you all later, peeps!

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