Wednesday 28 December 2011

Santa Magic 2 and restaurant dancing

Following on from my last blog I was talking about my experiences at The Creaky Cauldron last week. I'd been so worried about my financial situation the week before and had been praying for some help from the Powers That Be/The Universe/God/Goddess, so I felt so blessed when I landed the job! And, amazingly enough I also got an extra holiday bonus from Stratford College, AND a performance gig for a birthday at a restaurant in Stratford.  Can't describe how happy and relieved I was!
So...the first couple of days at the job felt specially great, not least because it was fun being there! I was meant to learn how to use the till but we got so busy that in the end I was just a bagger, wrapper and helper, with occaisional bouts of standing around looking cheerful, and pretending I knew what I was doing to customers. I'm hoping that I proved myself a useful member of staff and that they might invite me back soon...but I guess I'll just have to wait and see....
Last night was the restaurant gig in Stratford. This time the lady whose birthday it was asked me to dance specially and was the payee, though this isn't usually the case at restaurants (they usually pay you). Although it was an enjoyable evening, it was all rather relaxed and laid back and as it wasn't very busy the staff started to join in with the dancing after I'd only done a couple of numbers! Normally I wouldn't mind, but as the lady was paying for me I felt that I wasn't really giving her her money's worth, nor focussing specially on her if it became a bit of a  free for all. But most of the diners were her friends anyway, so I think she was happy they were all having a good time. However, it did make me consider what the situation might be if this was repeated. I haven't done much restaraunt work, but I understand that they want the customers to have a good time, and it shouldn't be about the ego of the dancer getting stroked by having her special solo spot...but I want to give good value for money, and if everyone joins in too early then the dancer might as well not be there! I suppose some places just see the dancer as a paid party starter, and that's fine, but maybe I have got a bit too much ego, and should accept what the customers want? I danced once at a Turkish/British wedding, and I had two sets lined up. I made my entrance for the first set, and had barely done one number before the dance floor was filled with excited Turks jigging around, so I couldn't do the other dances! The organiser then told me I didn't need to do the second set- but they would still pay the fee! I'm not complaining, but I suppose it's just a different mind set that we Brits aren't used to! And different restaurants have different ideas of what they want so it's all a bit of a minefield, I guess!
Am off today to do a gig at one of Miramar's regular bookers, an old peoples home near Oxford. As the girls have decided which dances we are doing this time, they have chosen dances that I haven't done for a while, so although I have practised, one of them is still a bit ropey! I'm looking forward to standing at the back and following them for a change!
Looking forward to some family visiing this week, and although I'd love to just slump on the sofa the rest of the time, I need to get some advertising fliers out soon for the New Year classes.

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