Tuesday 23 August 2011

Grumpy Slumping kind-of day!

Feels like another 'down' day today- but it's partly reactive, as the weather is very dull and overcast which does affect my mood, plus my 'silver' apostle spoons turned out to be electro plated and worth about £7 as opposed to £170! Gah!
Busking on Sunday was enjoyable again but earned me even less than last time! Not sure I'll be doing it again anytime soon, but I have learnt a lot and discovered that I do really still enjoy performing if I don't have any stress around it. I had some lovely compliments- including a proposition by email!!Lita and Roy Aylmer happened to come by and as Roy had his camera he took some great photos of me- so that was a bonus.
Yesterday turned out to be a little bit busy with a visit to my lovely homeopath in the morning, and short promo performance at Lifeways for an open day for Parkinson's sufferers in the afternoon. But the best part of the day was seeing my friend C looking so well when I went to visit her afterwards. She has been having radiotherapy and I've been going over regularly to give moral support and give her some Reiki. It's been doubly good because not only do I get to see my pal more regularly, but it's feeling really great to be using Reiki for something purposeful and other than for myself. You can't predict where the Reiki will go or what effect it will have, but it's benevolent and lovely and it feels great to be using it to help someone.
But today is feeling like another 'stuck' day. The homeopath has given me a kick-up-the-bum remedy which I  am currently taking so I'm hoping for an improvement tomorrow. Sid and I reserved these next two weeks as 'holiday' time with a plan to do a few things together, and although that's usually a good thing, I don't feel like doing anything today and would rather slump grumpily on the sofa and wait for my bad mood to pass. But having Sid around means I can't do that for long...grrrr. Words could be exchanged later.....! Just leave me alone to slink off into the corner and feel sorry for myself! Sometimes you just have to go with the feeling , knowing it will pass eventually. But it's not permanent, so don't worry folks. Just being my usual melodramatic self!
Time to exit stage left I think..........

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