Tuesday 19 July 2011

Itty-Bitty Blog

One thing in life is certain- change! Think I might be paraphrasing a bit there, but you get my drift! Although I don't feel much different from Monday, a number of very small things have occurred which have in turn created little changes, so there has definitely been a shift.

Found a couple of interesting jobs, but one meant a LOT of walking (and it was working all weekend) so I decided I just physically couldn't do that one, and the other looks as if it is full time...but it IS daytime work. I just need to find out  a bit more detail on that one. But at least they are jobs that would ultilise my talents, instead of shelf filling. Mind you, I think I could do that very artistically, just not sure any shops would allow experimental sculpture displays!

Lack of money is at least keeping me at home and forcing me to tackle a few jobs I've been putting off for a long time. I am the Great Procrastinator- should have a degree in it I have got soo skilled at avoidance! So, you know things are serious when I finally start cleaning because there is nothing else to do!!! But I have made quite a few new pairs of earrings and some jewelled collars for the stall for Saturday's event at BAMBA. Haven't been out to any belly dance events for at least two weeks and am getting withdrawl symptoms, so am really looking forward to it.

Have also recently come across a wonderful singer called Caro Emerald- although everyone else seems to have heard of her already!! But her music is variously 30's, 40's and 50's inspired and very danceable! It's very much in the same vein as Caravan Palace, so it's impossible to keep your feet still. There is definitely a choreography in there, waiting to come out!

Feels like this is turning out to be a very itty-bitty kind of blog, as I'm jumping all over the place with my subjects....but maybe that's just indicative of the way my life is at the moment! Sigh. Better jump into working then, I suppose.........

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