Wednesday 12 October 2011

Post Souk and What's Next...

Well, the souk went well with no big hitches or problems, I'm pleased to say. All the workshops either met the minimum number or above, so that was good, but the downside is that we just didn't have as many shoppers as I'd have liked. When we did the tea dance I counted 45 in the audience, but that was the most we had in the room at a given point. I counted around 30 shoppers through the door, but it just didn't feel as busy as it has been in the past. Not sure whether having the event on a Sunday was a good or bad thing. I know it suited some people, but not others, but there are pros and cons for and against. But there are still areas we can improve on and I am already considering the next one in May!
But now that's all over I can turn my attention to other things like the radio show, the Christmas hafla and the Belly Dance Spectacular next spring. Not feeling very motivated to arrange any extra workshops or other things though- feels like a lot of extra work I'm not up to coping with.
But although I've only been back at the classes for 4 weeks, I'm already feeling a bit harrassed- which makes me wonder why. One definite message I AM getting though, is that the old ways of doing things don't work any more, so I have to think creatively about my work situation. The job hunting is very slow, so while that's going on I have to try and maximise my opportunities and make the most of what comes my way. The classes are struggling to keep the numbers up, tho' admittedly I haven't done any advertising this term, so I've decided I have to try and use my talents in other ways as well. I've already made a generic flier advertising Belly Dancing in all the forms I can offer (performance, hen parties, talks etc.), and am considering contacting various local organisations that might book me for either performance or a taster fun session. I'm also going to advertise with fliers and electronically after Xmas. Will get some business cards done too so I can have them on my person for any opportunity that comes along! Going to have to be pro-active!
I've also applied for a job as a costumed character at a local attraction in Stratford. Not sure how my CV will shape up next to professional actors, but am hoping I'll get an interview or audition at least. Here's hoping......

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