Thursday 11 August 2011

Hip, hip hooray!

I'm feeling quite perky at the moment, and much of it is due to the fact that my hip/back has improved a lot, to the extent where I have committed myself to doing some busking this saturday! But more of that later....
The hip and back have improved steadily so now I can lie flat and even get a reasonable sleep at night. It still complains if I overuse it, but mostly in the evenings. I was trying a bit of dancing tentatively yesterday and I realised how much I'd missed being able to dance...that it felt really good! But the enforced rest has given me time for some contemplation, as well as some creative jobs that I don't often have time for, so it's not all bad! I've been thinking for some time that I'd like to explore the spiritual side of Belly Dance, and am drawn to researching and playing with the symbolic shapes that we do as dance moves, with the aim of self realisation and healing. Not sure if that will just remain as an interesting side line or grow into something more substantial, we'll see.
The job hunting is not producing any results so far, I'm sorry to report. I didn't get the full time job I applied for- didn't even get an interview and I reckon I was fairly well qualified for it, too, so it just shows how things are at the moment. They decided so quickly that I wonder if it was really an inside job, and they only advertised it because they are legally obliged to. Hmpf! Their loss!! So, am back to relying on my own resources again and have been touting my jewellery around a number of local shops hoping they might take some on a sale or return basis. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme but at least it will bring a steady trickle of cash in- I hope!
I've almost given up on selling my table as I'm not prepared to let it go for peanuts, and dining tables are just not very popular at the moment, I've been told. Have now moved to examining the antique china I inherited with a view to selling some of that. I must admit to being continously mildy anxious about it getting damaged and don't anyway have the same emotional attachment to it I once had- so one or two of the most choice pieces may have to go...unless there's no interest in china either!
The busking I mentioned earlier is another attempt at earning some money, and also has the added benefit of advertising myself and my classes to the ladies of Stratford. I don't get too nervous about performing in public or out of doors normally, but then it's usually with one of the two troupes, but doing it solo is another kettle of fish altogether! But I'm willing to give it a try. I must admit to not being very impressed with a couple of buskers I saw there the other day- they were meant to be 'living statues' in period costume, but they hardly stood still for more than a few minutes at a time, and mostly just posed for photographs with members of the public! Where is the skill in that?! There are, of course quite a few talented performers around, and as Stratford has an organised scheme they all get a fair chance at the best spots available around the town. I'll be at the amphitheatre on the Bancroft Gardens, and opposite the Encore pub on Waterside doing half hour spots between 12-3.00. I think it may be the Bulldog Bash this weekend, so I might be performing to gangs of bikers....eeek!
One of the reasons I'm feeling much better is a meditation I did with Peter. He has been teaching meditation for a long time, and has developed his own meditations working with earth energies. The meditation we did involved some visualisation which I really like, and it left me feeling much more confident, and feeling like knots had been loosened! I am currently trying persuade him to put these on DVD or CD so lots of people could benefit, but as he's trying to get a website up and running it could take some time.....but if any of you are interested, he runs regular clases in Stratford.
Right, almost time for tea, so I must sign off for now. Wish me luck for saturday!

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