Thursday 22 September 2011

Treasure Maps and Other Improvements

I haven't written for over a week as it's been a tough one...well it's been a tough summer for me actually. But last week seemed to be the last attempt to really grind me down before I saw the light and started to get happy again! The main problem was that on Friday our phone line went down, and with it our internet connection. That had a knock on effect in that I couldn't print out all the stuff for the radio show, couldn't phone anyone (and they couldn't phone me), and couldn't let anyone know I wasn't contactable, as I couldn't get onto Facebook or email!! We found out that it was a problem with BT's local exchange, but our internet provider The Phone Co-op had to do the badgering to get their engineers out. Anyway, to cut a long story short, it was quite difficult and frustrating as we had to use the local library for a (once a day) 30 mins free connection ,and as people were trying to contact me about the souk and other work related things it got very tricky and complicated. On the plus side I got a lot of ironing done!! I know I'm a little addicted to the internet, but I can manage without when I'm on holiday (and don't have any responsibilities or things to do or organise), and am having a nice time, but when work is just beginning to kick in in earnest it's a problem! Anyway, we got back on line yesterday- what a relief!
But this week is turning out to be much better as I've started classes (feels really good to get back to it again- inactivity doesn't suit me), so this also means I have some money flowing in , and I also got paid for  the Guild of Pastoral Studies workshop. Plus a little minor medical problem I had suddenly resolved itself with the help of Reiki, homeopathy and Sid's Yarrow salve. Yay! Result!
It's quite amazing to look back over probably one of the worst summers I've ever had, and reflect on how stuck and stressful it was- mostly because of lack of money. And as soon as some money appears, it's like I just unblocked the sink!
To keep the ball rolling, I've decided to make a Treasure Map. It's an idea I've used before, and Maggy Whitehouse reminded me of the technique in her book 'Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity'. So you take a big sheet of paper or card and you stick pictures or photos or drawings on it relating to the things you want in your life, or you'd like to achieve- you can focus it on a specific subject or outcome if you want. Then you find a happy photo of yourself and stick in the middle. Then you write your aim or desire (in the present tense) linking it to the picture or photo- so for example if I wanted a digital camera (which I do), I might say 'I now have a marvellous digital camera that takes perfect pictures, and was at a bargain price'. Once you have done this for all the pictures or areas of your life, you then write a message at the bottom of the page, which goes something like 'I am open to all this and whatever the universe offers me to the highest good of all concerned'. This last phrase is really important so it prevents anything untoward happenning as a result of your requests. Maggy cites an example of something like- if you ask for a windfall but don't specify the conditions, you might say fall over and break your leg, and then get your windfall as an injury claim! These Treasure Maps are very powerful, so be very careful what pictures you use and what phrases you write. When I did this years ago I said I wanted to go to Findhorn and do a course with Eileen Caddy, and I also wanted to run workshops abroad at alternative holiday centres. I found a great picture of people having fun together at Cortijo Romero, and put that up. I got to do my course with Eileen and it wasn't until I got home afterwards that I realised one of the people on my course was in the photograph of Cortijo Romero! The universe had interpreted my message as wanting to meet someone in the picture! So, I'm going to focus my Treasure Map around abundance and prosperity, and getting myself a digital camera! I'll keep you posted on developments!

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