Friday 19 August 2011

Subtle Shifting...

Am now having serious problems with my computer! I'm writing this using Sid's computer as he is out playing Robin Hood (and no it hasn't got soo bad that he's stealing from the rich to give to the poor -us!!It's archery in case you wondered). Sid has tried all sorts of tricks to get the computer going to no avail, and he's very tenacious, so sadly this probably means some official repairs are needed. As I use my computer so much for work this has serious implications as I can't access all my photos, fliers or email addresses. I am managing some basic word processing on Sid's computer but for anything more complicated I'm stuck! So am waiting for Mel to get back off holiday for him to have a look before taking any further action.
A very good piece of news is that I sold my Clarice Cliffe sugar shaker for a very good sum yesterday! I was sorry to see it go but in truth it had been sitting gathering dust in the china cabinet for years- and I need the dosh! Excited by the experience Sid and I have now been feverishly scouring the house or further hidden treasures. I have feeling that that was probably one of very few items of any value but you never know...I've got various odds and ends I inherited when my parents died, and even if they only fetch a few quid then it all helps. I also feel as if it's a gesture towards clearing the house of junk with a view to eventually downsizing in the next few years.
I've also been scouring the papers for any likely jobs with no success, either, but at least I'm showing willing by putting some energy into it. After feeling so down the other day I sent some Reiki to the situation and also did a bit of 'left hand/stream of conciousness/automatic' writing too, and it feels as if something has subtlely shifted. Must not lose momentum- need to fit some more in. Discipline needed!
I've also decided to give the busking another go. This time I have just two half hour spots and one is in Henley Street (prime spot!). It's also a Sunday this time, so all I need now to help me is the weather and many generous appreciative people!
Could waffle on for longer, but time is getting on and I need to go and buy a birthday card and do some preparation for the radio show today, so will wave goodbye until the next time.....Toodle Pip Boys and Girls!

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