Wednesday 27 July 2011

Hips, Bums and Sums

Well I bit the bullet and went to see the Doctor on Monday , and he said it was a compressed nerve (Sid might say my nerves are definitely compressed- usually all the time!!), and as I said it was affecting my ability to work he said he'd get me an urgent physiotherapy appointment, and gave me some anti-inflammatory tablets. Amazingly I got the appointment for this morning! Although the therapist was lovely and very professional all she did was give me some exercises to do!! They are like gentle yoga stretches that I could in fact, have worked out for myself, but most of all I was disappointed that there wasn't anything manipulative involved. I was rather looking forward to having things poked and prodded as this is what I have experienced when having Chiropractic and Shiatsu. So although things have improved I'm still suffering from pain....grrr! Will dilligently do the exercises as instructed until the next appointment, and we'll see how things are....
I've decided to go ahead with my class tonight, but have changed the subject matter to finger cymbals as I can sit or remain stationary for most of it. However, the students will have to be mobile! I once read somewhere that if you learnt zils (or sagat) sitting down you would never be able to combine it with dancing, so I always get everyone walking first then building up to simple travelling steps, then moves. Am also planning some partner work where people will play counter or complimentary rhythms together.
Have applied for a full time job which if I got would triple my income!!! That indicates how little I earn! But it would also mean rejigging things around in my life quite a lot.....but let's wait and see if I get an interview first! Am still continuing to scour the papers and noticeboards locally for anything else that might be suitable. Meanwhile I am making jewellery, doing some sewing jobs, and looking for gigs for the stall. Along with Fiona, Vic and Angela I am organising The Bizarre Bazaar Tea Party for this coming Sunday, so we are all hoping for good weather and a wonderful turnout. I've done a lot of advertising on the internet- email and Facebook so I think we will get a better attendance than previously.... or maybe it could be something to do with the mention of free tea and cakes! Hopefully I will do at least as well as last weekend.
In another attempt to earn extra dosh I had offerred myself as a dancing busker to the busking scheme based in Stratford. Not sure if it will bring any money in, as when we did this as Miramar we only got about £15! However, I'm optimistic that it might appeal as something exotic and different, and I can use the opportunity to advertise myself and the classes. I've offered to do a day this weekend,'s all dependent on the hip and bum situation!

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