Sunday 14 August 2011

My Busking Experience

Am sooo tired after yesterday's activities that I suspect it is affecting me emotionally. I am feeling quite depressed and low and very worried about my financial situation.
But back to the busking experience....I decided to wear a galabeya, as it didn't reveal too much and was comfortable to dance in, and after changing at Peter's house I walked down with my trusty purple trolley containing the amp, CD player and various props, CD's and my lunch. I set up at the first spot and after playing a bit of incidental musc to attract attention, I just launched into my first set. I'd created CD's each with four tracks of different types including some veil dances and zils.I decided to improvise as that's what I prefer and it's more flexible. It's pretty hard dancing out doors as I don't feel very centred, so concentrated in dancing to please myself, though I did have a little gentle fun with a few people- like the little 2 year old who tried to copy me, the students who wanted a photo for their project, and a good natured slightly merry guy whose friend took a picture of him joining in! A lot of little girls were fascinated with what I was doing and I earna few pennies from them! After a couple of 20 mins sets I had a short break to eat my sarnies and then set up at another designated spot. This place was a bit more exposed and very breezy so although I had a dismal attempt to perform with a veil, I then concentrated on zils and prop-less performance. When the wind died down a bit I risked using my fan veils and this got a lot of interested attention. By this point I was getting very tired but was bouyed up by the jovial response of the passers by, and had a number of boisterous teenagers and a game biker joining it for a while! After I'd packed up and was ready to go, one older lady called me over and said I should go on Britains Got Talent (bless her!), and also said I was better than the dancers she'd seen in Turkey- so that's where I'm going wrong.....obviously I should be over there earning a living...would be very nice! Was suddenly soo tired I could hardly put one foot in front of the other, but managed to drag myself and my stiff and swollen knees back to Peter's house.  Amazingly I hardly felt the hip and back problem or noticed the tiredness until the end, think the adrenaline kept me going! But I also was suprised how much I enjoyed improvising in front of the public's been a while, and after being incapable for so long it felt really good to be moving again. BUT the big down side is that it was an awful lot of work for so little money. I made the grand total of £11.36 for about an hour and 20 mins of solid dancing- not a very good return! And that isn't counting the petrol and the time it took to prepare. AND I discovered when I got back that someone had nicked one of my BDSS CD's that had been lying next to the amp while I was performing... that certainly left a bad taste, and I felt really cross about that! So, I'm pretty ambivalent about doing it again. Maybe a different day and performance spot would make a difference, but there's no denying it's a hard way to earn a living. Restaurant work is also hard but not as tiring as this was- and it's better paid - perhaps I should consider that again? Feeling very confused and not a little bit demoralised - and still penniless!

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