Tuesday 2 August 2011

Hip & Bum continued....

Just a word of warning...the hip and bum situation is uppermost, so if you are bored at listening to someone moan about their back problems....switch off now! You have been warned!
Although the anti-inflammatories have helped a bit, I am still in pain and (surprise surprise!) the exercises are not shifting it. I am now convinced that the sciatic nerve is trapped or being pinched and that it really needs a good old poke and prod to release it. I don't have pins and needles any more, but this has now been replaced by a slight numbness and I also seemed to have developed swollen ankles last night because I'm not moving around enough! I'm wondering if my knee injury in Feb has somehow affected my pelvis and this has had a knock on effect. Am getting quite upset and frustrated as this is affecting my ability to dance and teach, and that is potentially very serious! Anyway, Peter has kindly agreed to give me some Activated Chi treatment and my dear pal Claire has also given me a little Bowen Technique, so I am optimistic that will all help, at least for the time being, anyway Thank goodness I don't have my full workload of teaching at the moment. I do, however, have a drop in class arranged for tomorrow night and I'm gingerly trying out the moves I had planned to see if it's at all feasible to go ahead. Last week I only had 2 students which didn't cover the cost of the hall so I'm concerned that I might be making my hip worse for so little income. As to the busking....I didn't attempt it last week and unless there are some dramatic changes I won't be up to it this weekend either.

Last Sundays Tea Party went really well and we had a very good turnout. Think it may have been a lucky combination of sunny weather, therapies and free cake! But all bouyed up by it's success we are contemplating hosting another in the autumn. This coming Saturday I am doing a Craft Fair in Brum- don't very often do them as most of my jewellery is very belly dance orientated, but I've recently been trying to make stuff that is more mainstream. This Sat is a vintage and craft fair so I'm hoping that my rather specialised stock will appeal to the (rather specialised!) clientile, and that I make some money!

The back problem has me feeling very unmotivated as just about everything I have or want to do requires some mobility, maybe I'll have to resort to sewing and jewellery making for the moment.

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