Friday 9 September 2011

Just bumbling along....

No radio show today as Peter has to get some repairs done to another computer and will take up the time- we didn't have a real live guest anyway so it wasn't a big deal, but it feels a bit odd to not be beavering away at last minute research like I usually am on a Friday morning. But next week it's back to grips with it all, as I do have a couple of pre-recorded interviews to do, with the organisers of the Shipston Loyalty Card Scheme, and a friend who is a Shaman.
Am doing a really good job of avoiding doing my tax return but as Sid wanted to use his computer yesterday afternoon (quite reasonably!), I was forced to start collating stuff (instead of checking my emails and playing on Facebook!). So at least I have started! And this weekend I have the rare pleasure of not having anything booked in so don't have any excuses not to carry on with the good work...urgh!
As usual I have got into Sloth Mode this holiday so have managed to leave class preparation stuff till the last minute, so next week will be very busy creating a choreography or two, and doing some research on Tribal Belly dance to pass onto the students. Have realised over the holidays that I would really like a bit more time (and less stress) to enjoy my own dancing, and even attend a few workshops purely for myself, to get back my mojo! A part time job would certainly help relieve the money situation and take some of the stress out of my work, plus I could then spend a little on myself for a change! That would be just great!
Still job hunting, but I realise I'm not well qualified for an office job or even a shop assistant!An ideal job would be something where I was maybe some kind of  tourist guide or meeter & greeter so I could put my gift of the gab to good use! But sadly most of the jobs in the papers are either cleaners, carers or drivers, or at the other end of the scale administration or team leaders. Haven't quite got to the desperate-enough-to-take-anything stage...yet.
Am working on trying to believe that if I trust the Universe will provide for me, it will. I know this to be true in theory- have had experience of it, but it's hard to maintain that belief constantly- especially when you are worrying about whether you can afford to put petrol in the car or if you have enough to buy food that week! It's like the 'higher' part of me believes it, it's just the 'lower' or littler part of me that needs convincing! A work in progress, methinks...........

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