Tuesday 30 August 2011


Well, today is day one of the two day fast Sid and I are embarking on. I'm a bit nervous but am determined to give it a go as I really do need to kick start my efforts to lose some weight. Yesterday we kind-of semi-started the fast by missing out our midday meal and I didn't have any caffeine after about 11.00am, so was begginning to get a headache by the evening. There are several reasons for doing the fast, but I do think the universe was giving us both a hint when a book on fasting fell out of the bookcase while Sid was searching for something else! Apparently it can help with the symptoms of arthritis, and has helped lots of people to recover from various illnesses. Historically we would have had periods of naturally occurring fasting when food was scarce, which allowed our bodies to recover and heal themselves more efficiently. Animals also fast to recover from illness, and I guess we've just forgotten it's importance. Overloading your system with food and various stimulants means the body never gets a chance to cope properly with illness, plus many modern foods and drinks are full of fat, sugar and chemicals that are bad for us. I love my chocolate and cups of tea like lots of us, but recently have been feeling a bit 'overloaded'- my knees are complaining more than usual, I'm struggling to get upstairs, and I seem to be developing intolerance to various things I've previously been fine with- like commerically produced wheat, cows milk, cheese, and weirdly- feathers! I've also put on weight and this has affected my dancing, not to mention that I'm bursting out of my clothes and dance costumes! All in all this doesn't feel very good so reluctantly I've decided I need to develop a diet I can stick to for a long period, and up the exercise. About 3 years ago I got up to 13 stone which felt uncomfortable, so I changed my eating habits so I didn't have any 'messes' at home-no biscuits, cakes, chocolate, crisps, coke etc, but allowed myself treats when I went out (which was once a week at the most), and over 18 months I lost a stone. I wanted to lose it gradually so I didn't end up with lots of floppy bits, and felt really pleased with myself that I managed it! BUT I need to do that all over again, and the fast is just a way to kick start me off. Mind you, there's a serious chance I might fall off the wagon as soon as I've got on it, as I'm due to see my cake-making sister on Thursday....so that will be an interesting test!  But Sid is very enthusiastic about it all. He's very health conscious, and as we are vegetarians he has to be very creative with cooking to ensure we get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients we need from our food. We do eat a very interesting diet- especially if Sid  is experimenting with his latest discovery- which currently is fermented foods. Not so keen on those but am trying some of them as I know they are good for you.
So, I'm trying to occupy myself with various jobs that are overdue, just to take my mind off food!! But I am enjoying a cup of Chocolate Mint tea- it's an actual strain of mint that really smells of chocolate- like drinking an After Eight Mint! I read somewhere that smelling certain things like chocolate sets off pleasure signals in the brain so I'm hoping this will satisfy my cravings for a while!
Wish me luck....just another day and a half to go!

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