Sunday 28 August 2011

Ups and Downs

Today is a better day-especially as it is one in which I have earned some money! In fact I earned some money last night doing a play workshop for a college in Oxford, so it's been a good weekend so far.... The workshop last night was the return visit as I did a workshop for them last year. An old friend who knew about my clowning reccomended me to them for their annual conference. The organisation is the Guild of Pastoral Studies and Psychology, so most of the participants were either vicars, priests, rabbi's, nuns, academics and psychologists!! And I loved the idea of getting them playing together!Anyway, I persuaded Sid to come with me as assistant and we did lots of activities and games, mostly from my clowning days...and they seemed to have a great time! My favourite moment of the evening was seeing a nun in full habit pretending to be a balloon!! It inspires me to do more....
We were both tired today, but I had a performance at Welford Village Fete with Dee from Miramar (everyone else was either on holiday or otherwise engaged). It went surprisingly well considering the set up and weather! It was alternately wet and sunny beforehand and we had to dance on a raised grassy area right next to a busy road, but nevertheless we had a healthy number in our audience and an enthusiastic response to the dancing. We went away happy- and a little bit better off!
BUT the BIG problem I have at the moment is the computer. It has had problems for the last 3 weeks and 2 weeks ago simply refused to be switched on at all. Despite Sid's best efforts (and he's very tenacious and a perfectionist so I know he's put a lot of work into it), he couldn't solve the problem. So friend Mel who works in IT is currently looking to see if he can solve it. It's quite an old computer so I'm worried it could be serious- and possibly expensive to sort out. But the biggest problem is that I can't get into any of my files, fliers, photos and emails database, so can't send out any advertising or promo stuff for classes or the souk. This has serious consequences as I do most of my admin and promo work on it, but I'm trying to not be too pessimistic just yet until I get a final verdict from Mel....
Another worry is that I've put on rather a lot of weight recently. I'm not too worried about being a buxom lass- it kind of goes with the territory, but I'm bulging out of my bras and everything is feeling rather tight- plus my knees are complaining more than usual when I dance or try to go upstairs. I know it sounds like an excuse, but after a couple of weeks of resting after the end of the term I suddenly developed my back and hip problem so I could barely move for almost three more weeks, and during that time I had no choice but to sit around and of course eat more than I should have. Urrgh! So Sid and I have been talking about going on a fast- to tell the truth I'm a bit nervous about it, but I really do need to do something. Don't think I could manage more than a day or two at a time, but we'll give it a try. But I do still need to get back to eating less and exercising more.
However, it's also meant to be holiday time, so am determined to do some enjoyable things too and try not to worry too much. 
But, it's tea time now, so my caffeine fix is calling me...see yous all later!

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