Sunday 2 October 2011

Catching Up and Money Stuff

Have just been too busy with work and the souk to write...and I've really missed that. I'm pleased to say that things are flowing very well, including money! It feels as if I've been trapped in a dark cave for weeks and suddenly someone has moved a great big stone from the entrance, and now the light and air is flowing in and I'm free!! However, I'm resisting the urge to spend money now I have some as there are still some debts to be paid, and if the summer situation has taught me anything, it's to be more careful and a little more thrifty- at least for now. It has been a very hard lesson to learn, and I'm not out of the woods yet. I've decided that I want to be debt free eventually, but that will take some time. I can remember when I was younger that everyone regarded buying things on the 'never-never', or having any kind of debt as a Very Bad Thing, and the commonly held view was that you only bought things if you had actual money to do so. I'm not saying that having a debit or credit card is necessarily a bad thing in itself- especially if you use it with care, but accumulating a unpaid debt over a long period of time is not good for many reasons- the debt keeps growing, it's constantly stressful, and the situation is energetically draining. But if I constantly view all my money transactions through a lens of honesty and spirituality, and act accordingly, then hopefully my abundance will increase and my debts disappear! The Findhorn Community use a spiritual approach to money, and they have historically managed to raise the funds to do various projects including extending their land for more buildings and accommodation. They have borrowed money- but always paid it back quickly. I have a feeling that we need to go back to a modern version of the old system our parents used- a really straight forward sensible approach based on the premise that if you don't have the money you can't spend it, and if you do borrow some, you pay it back immediately. And I'm all in favour of the banks splitting their work into two parts- one purely for basic banking, and the other for investments and insurance, etc, so I get a bank that doesn't harrass me trying to sell me all sorts of insurances, loans and upgrades I don't want, and doesn't gamble with my money. I don't know much about the banking or financial system, but I DO know that what we have now doesn't feel right, and evidently isn't working for us anymore. I know that might sound a bit simplistic, but I can't manage the complicated stuff and my brain is already full enough with rubbish to take any more!

But I'm feeling much more cheerful, and undoubtedly the return to classes has helped with that. Admittedly the attendance at the classes is still down, and I don't have any new students at the moment. I've lost a couple of my long-standing students (nothing I did to them, I hasten to add- just life happenning!), so I've now got about half the students that I had about 3 years ago. So I'm continuing in my quest to find a part-time job that will help bring in some extra dosh. Sid has a lot of faith in my ability to act, present or do voice overs, so he encourages me to try and look for those kind of jobs. Well, I've decided that I may as well try to use my God-given talents as not, and if I enjoy the job too, that's got to be a bonus. Plus, I feel that if I search for employment through my genuine interest and liking for a job that's much better energetically than frantically searching in desperation (as I did in the summer!).

And talking of energy, plans for the Radio Shack are seeming to be taking off at their own pace. It's a good sign that with very little input we are getting lots of offers of help, furniture and materials! But to back track- not sure I've mentioned it before, but we are looking into re-locating our base for the show. It feels as if we need to do this to expand, and for it to be separate from Peter's home and work. Can't say too much as it isn't all finalised yet, but suffice it to say we are progressing with our plans with a new venue in mind.

Oops, just looked back and realised that this is turning into a bit of an essay.....better get on with the day!

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