Saturday 10 September 2011

Brickbats and Blessings

You can tell that I'm the Mistress Of Prevarication by the fact that I've managed so  many blogs recently! It's mostly because I'm trying to- but can't really, put off doing my tax return for much longer- especially as my classes resume in a couple of weeks, but I also have various disagreeable jobs to do that I'm not looking forward to......urrgh. excuse coming up....Sid as usual is doing his Whirling Dervish impressions in the kitchen- creating Damson Wine and baking there's no space for little ole me. I know from experience it's best to just keep out of his way!
Yesterday was a pretty awful day for me. I had a bank statement and things were worse than I expected, so then I was thrown into a distressed panic because I didn't know how I was going to solve it. After talking with Sid I became calmer and managed to get myself together to take some action. The worst is over for now, but the problems are not yet completely resolved. The whole experience left me feeling depressed and exhausted. Later in the evening Mel came around to try and fix my computer problems. After several hours hard labour (bless him!) he eventually admitted defeat, but not after he and Sid managed to rescue all my valuable files and load them onto Sid's laptop. I could have kissed them both I was so relieved! So, although it almost certainly means a new computer, Thank God for Mel and Sid for saving the day, and I'm so grateful we had Sid's laptop as backup. But I must admit I was really glad to go to bed last night!
However, a few days ago while talking to Peter about my money troubles, I suddenly got a flash of a book I had that I'd never read, that Maggy Whitehouse had written, and given to us when we interviewed her on the radio show. Last night I got it out and started reading it. Fantastic...just the tonic that I needed! It's called Credit Crunch to Pure Prosperity, and it feels like it's just the perfect thing for me right now!Some of the info is stuff I already knew, but I really needed to hear it again, right now! And there is also some really insightful stuff there too. I need to turn my financial situation around, and this may be the way forward...thankyou Maggy!
Anyway, today I'm feeling a lot better. There's newly made Rosehip Syrup (made by moi) in the pantry, Sid is creating Damson Wine and Bread, and Mel gave us some yummy homemade jellies and jams, plus the pantry and kitchen are almost bursting at the seams with all the fruit and food processing that's going on, and that all feels really good! Gotta focus on the positive!
Just over a week to my classes so next week will be busy preparing stuff, and organising things. A few difficult phone calls and letters to write but I'm a grown up and I can do it! But there are also good things on the horizon- plans for the radio show, interviews, birthday party to go to, haflas and belly dance events to attend and organise, and time out with good friends.......counting my blessings again!

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