Monday 15 August 2011

Time for Change?

Felt really emotional all day yesterday and for anyone who knows me that's not a good thing! I'm a bit of a drama queen and can get a bit OTT and dramatic, and tiredness just amplifies it. But, although I'm feeling a lot more centred and calm today, the problems are still there. The trick is how I decide to deal with them.
I do take the view that I (and anyone else) am capable of changing my world simply by thinking it into being, but we all have so many inbuilt or learned behaviours that it can be very hard to work out how we are sabotageing ourselves or preventing ourselves from fulfilling our greatest potential! I know I have potential power, but am trying to wrestle with the reasons I'm not allowing it into being. I think we British have such inbuilt reserve that we feel we can't allow our true power out in case we are seen as brash, or boastful or unpopular etc...or is that just me?!! BUT we can be powerful, it's just how we manifest it in the world- we've all met those who use power badly and harm others in the process, but we don't have to follow those models or fear we will make the same mistakes! I try to refer back to my inner guide or higher self, (although that can be quite tricky as sometimes it whispers very quietly!), and if I truly act on that inner message, I can be powerful and centred in a way that has integrity and truth in it. But I make mistakes, and sometimes my ego gets in the way and insists I do what IT wants- I'm learning like everyone else! I believe though, that we now have the opportunity to change the old ways of doing things, and learn new behaviour. 2012 is a pointer to the potential for changing the world and discarding the old systems and ways of behaving that we humans have been involved in for millennia. It seems to me that the message is that the old ways aren't working anymore, and in fact are having an adverse effect on ourselves and the world...and the best place to start change is yourself!

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