Thursday 13 January 2011

Finally Back!

I know it's silly o'clock in the morning, but I'm writing to celebrate that after a couple of weeks unsuccessfully trying to sign myself back on here I've finally done it!! Bloody technology....or what it operator error? Hmmm.....
Anyway, I'm still finding out how to use this facility, so I now would like to know how to share my posts- otherwise I may as well be talking to myself. Well, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing, actually...ahem.
Radio show tomorrw- we're still finding our feet after a couple of dodgy but moderately successful attempts. Tomorrow is the first time since Oct that we have an 'official' guest, so I'm feeling slightly nervous, mainly 'cos I'm worried the technology will fail us, or us it... if you get my drift!
But more tomorrow, if I can remember how to get myself back on here....see you in about two weeks perhaps!!LOL!

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