Sunday 30 January 2011

Day at the Winter Wonderland event

Am rather tired this morning after a very long day yesterday at the Winter Wonderland event in Witney. When Vic and I got there the venue wasn't open so we had a little pootle around and a cup of tea before going back. As the afternoon was just 3 workshops, we quietly got on with setting things up, but I must admit to feeling a slight twinge of envy that I couldn't join in with two of the workshops as they looked such fun! Niiki's Salsa/carnival moves looked so infectious, and Lynne's Vixen Choreo looked like some very vampy fun! In fact we may as well have arrived later, as although we had a few browsers, no one bought anything until the evening hafla. And there were lots of people there as they had 26 acts! There were so many performances that I can't remember them all, but some memorable ones were the Steampunk ladies in gorgeous gypsy/saloon girl/ victorian outfits (think I could sneak some of that past the Shuvani Girls?) dancing to some funky Balkan music, Nikki doing what she does best and looking beautiful to boot, an interesting Rai Scarf dance, several novelty/fusion acts including a western line dance/belly dance number in jeans and shimmy belts and a tango/belly fusion, as well as a fast and furious choreography from Helen Sleiman and her troupe. There seems to be  real trend towards lots of mixing up of styles and genres at the moment, as well as formation style choreographies, with very little traditional/folk being performed. I'm all in favour of fusion, as I think it keeps the dance fresh and interesting but I do also like a bit of Saidi or Folkloric (to use the American term), as long as it's done well. Did quite well on the stall, but was concerned when I realised that the programme had only just finished at 11.20pm! We packed up in double quick time, but what with having to get petrol on the way home as well, I didn't get to bed until after 2pm and Vicky had another 30 mins drive from my house! Rather grumpy and irritable as a result! 
Glad to say that the knee has improved, but not sure if I need any Bowen or not. In any case I would have to wait until tomorrow as the clinic is closed today. And although today should officially be a day of rest, there are work as well as house related jobs that need doing, so I think I'll have to get off my bum  and get on with them...*sigh*

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