Friday 28 January 2011

Armchair Gypsy and a little light Moaning

Managed to do my classes last night, but I couldn't have done it wthout the sterling help of my lovely assistant Rosemary! I could manage stationary stuff, but definitely NO travelling steps. So she stepped in (literally) where I couldn't manage. Also, based on a suggestion by my pal Lucy, I think I may have discovered a new belly dance genre...Armchair Gypsy! Surprising how much you can do sitting down...even skirt swishing! Reminded me of an amazing clip I saw on YouTube, of two Oriental ladies performing a Belly Dance routine on telly... but one was in a wheelchair and the other had crutches! Incredible! The knee is slightly better this morning, but I'm still hobbling about like an old lady and having to clutch at any supportive object I can you have been warned! And although it was lovely to meet up with my pal Lucy yesterday ( nothing comes between me and my cake, by the way!), she handed me some instruments of torture...3 DVD's of dance which I can only watch and not participate in at the moment! AAAaargh!
But I won't let a knee injury affect my radio siree! This blog is just a little break from preparing my reserach and the schedule for the programme this afternoon, but I'll be back on it in no time! Peter has finally managed to sort out playing the music direct from his new ( and very shiny) IPod, so we are going to be even better than last week! It feels as if we are at last beginning to get back to the old settled routine we had before the station closedown, so we can start promoting the programme in earnest.
Looking forward too, to attending Nikki Livermore's Winter Wonderland event tomorrow. Just as well I hadn't booked myself into any workshops, eh!? So apart from the setting up and clearing away of the stall I can legitimately sit on my bum most of the day, and just enjoy the view! I made loads of new stock items over Xmas when I was snowbound so am looking forward to seeing if they will be popular...I hope so... Will have to warn Vicky of my little temporary 'disability'! But I at least have almost four dance free days to give the knee a chance to recover. If it isn't healing noticeably by Sun/Mon I might consider some Bowen defintely worked it's magic before for me, and I thoroughly reccomend it!

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