Friday 14 January 2011

The Letter and Treasure Maps

OK!! Yippeee! I'm back! After fiddling about for a couple fo weeks trying to get back on here, I'm rather embarrassed to admit that the problem was because I was putting the wrong email in the sign in box....DOH!

Anyway, moving swiftly on.....I wanted to talk about Treasure maps and The Letter. My Insipration Spot on the radio today is all about The Letter, an idea that I picked up from my good friend Maggy Whitehouse who is a very wise woamn. The Letter is a concept that shares most if not all it's precepts with Cosmic Ordering, as no doubt many of you will know what that is.
So, the idea is that at the end of the year/beginning of the next, you write a letter as if you were sending it to someone the following December, telling them what kind of a year you have had. So instead of the usual Round Robin, you have a wonderful message about positive events. You need to think of all the marvellous things you would love to have happen in the next year, and write them down as if they have already happenned, and you need to phrase it in very positive no 'I managed to do this..' or 'against all odds this happenned..' It really makes you realise just how many negative or limiting phrases we use every day! The Universe is ready to give you what ever you is only your ego that stops it. This is because the ego limits us in order to protect us- often based on old messages we learnt as children, but our higher self is limitless. So if we let go of the ego and allow our imagination to go wild...anything is possible! But be careful not to limit yourself too much or be too specific...for example, if you say 'I got a blue turbo charged Micra', then you are not allowing the Universe to give you something better or different. The Universe is wiser than us, and although we think we know what we want, sometimes it knows better! So 'I got a fantastic blue car' allows the Universe to maybe give you a blue Bentley, rather than a Micra!  And you need to write your letter to a friend who you know will be sympathetic to what you are don't need to send it, but having someone to direct it to will give it energy. Maggy says you can email it to her (you can find her on Facbook). Then you put the letter away, and forget about it, therefore allowing the Universe to get on with the business of dealing with your requests unhindered by you! The exciting bit is getting it out again in Decmber and seeing how much of it came true!
I cam across a very similar idea many years ago, but this time it was called a Treasure Map. Instead of a letter, you took a large piece of paper, and covered it with pictures and words about what you wanted for the year / in the future. As with the letter, it had to be full of positive statements, and not too specific, and at the bottom you had to put the phrase 'this or something better, to the highest good of all concerned'. Then you put it up on the wall so you saw it every time you passed by. I did this treasure map, and admittedly I was a bit too desperate and couldn't leave it alone and worrited over it too much! I asked for stacks of money....and wondered why I didn't get it! It probably would have been better to have asked for a windfall, or maybe a better paid job. However, a couple of things DID work out. I'd asked to go to the Findhorn Foundation and wanted to meet Eileen Caddy...and I did just that...went on a course with her! And...while asking for work abroad I'd put up a picture of a group of people having fun together in the sun......and blow me if one of the people in the picture turned up on the Eileen Caddy course! Wow, that was weird!
Anyway, this has got me all excited about the idea again, so I'm off to write my letter!
And if you are interested, I'll be talking about it on The Alternative Show this afternoon 2-4pm on  
See ya later!

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