Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Appreciation List and seeing the positive......

Another inspirational idea from Maggy Whitehouse! An Appreciation List. At the end of each day you sit down (or in my case, lie down!) and list ten things you have appreciated or are thankful for in that day. You can write them down in a book or if you are lazy like me you just run through them in your head! But apparently doing this over a period of time really helps you to feel more abundant and happy. I can well believe fact I did it for a while a few months ago, and was surprised at how more cheerful I felt! And it doesn't have to be big things, it can just be little simple things, like enjoying your cup of coffee, or getting a smile from someone you love. And it can be quite a surprise to look back over your day and re-discover just how much you did, experienced, gained and enjoyed! Think we girls especially spend too much time rushing around and doing things for other people, and rarely stand still for long enough to pat ourselves on the back, or count our blessings. My (only) New Years Resolution this year is to focus on being positive, so I'm trying to see the good side of everything, or how a problem can be a blessing in disguise, or at the very least what I can learn from a difficult situation. I believe the Universe/world to be a benevolent place, and thinking that makes it so for me. We all know someone who seems to have a real downer on life or for whom everything seems to go it's interesting to consider what their approach to life is? Do they see a problem at every corner, or expect things to go wrong? And when we preface every sentence, with  'Well, knowing my luck' , 'I just knew there'd be a problem...' then we are setting up the world to fit into our view. According to some sources, the energy of the Universe is neither positive or negative, just neutral, and it us and our thoughts that influence it either one way or the other. Greg Braden (an inspirational teacher on YouTube) has some very interesting ideas and reports of experiments showing how as humans, we share our DNA quite literally with the rest of the planet, and therefore whatever we think or do cannot but influence the world around us- the Butterfly Effect. However....the trick is to not get in our own way! It's that naughty old ego who wants to control everything and stops us fulfilling our potential, and thinks it knows best. But that is only a limited viewpoint, as the Universe can see the bigger picture and is wiser than us. So..anything you want has to be held like you would a butterfly.....gently, without control, grasping or fear, and no attachment to the outcome.

Oh my goodness....where did all that spring from!!LOL!

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