Tuesday 14 December 2010

Funny peculiar times....

I am having a funny peculiar couple of weeks where I'm cheerful and happy one day then down and almost out the next. It's partly to do with having severe financial diffculties, and partly because I'm having a bit of a work related crisis. Like many people at the moment, I'm suffering for lack of new students, and this has had a knock on effect with my earnings and having enough people to help organise and attend events. I'm trying to decide if I need to get active and creative, or look for some supplementary work, or even change directon (really don't want that option), and I really don't like being in this state of limbo. I'm trying to sit here patiently, but I'm used to acting on my gut feelings, and I'm not getting a clear mesage at the moment. Grumpyfying!
I've got lots of things I should be getting on with, but not much motivation... and damn Facebook is getting in the way, enticing me to play games and waste time! Don't do discipline very well, so I'm fighting with myself to get to grips with work.
On the plus side, I have more time to do creative things that I DO enjoy, like creating jewellery, fascinators, and costumes, and choreographing dances for next term, so all is not doom and gloom!
And I'm pleased to announce that after our techincally inept attempt at broadcasting our first independant Alternative Show last week, we are ready to unleash oursleves onto an unsuspecting world! Peter has been working away tirelessly to improve what we are doing on the technical side of things, and we are confident that we can run a show properly this Friday. In fact we are SO confident that we have invited a bunch of friends of the show around to have a mince pie or two and be interviewed...could be chaos, but a lot of fun! And the new streaming site has all sorts of interesting applications we can use, like a kind of uploaded playlist facility, a webcam, an instant chat line, and the ability to record and store programmes for listening later. All very exciting! So if you get a chance, listen in to the mayhem and chaos on Friday 2-4pm on http://www.ustream.tv/
Feels like that's all for now....to continue would be to waffle for the sake of it...and we can't have that can we?

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