Saturday 15 January 2011

Radio Show & Skype

Well, the radio show didn't go quite as planned...Peter phoned me to say that the elderly computer we have been using just wasn't coping well with all the load we were subjecting it too, so we were having to find ingenious  (and temporary) ways around various problems, and this meant there was a greater risk of the whole thing freezing up or crashing! So, we decided to cancel our guest, as it would have been mortifying if that had happenned while interviewing her, especially as it would have been her second attempt to be interviewed by us (the previous attempt had been at SCR when the electrics went down). We decided to go ahead anyway with the material we had already prepared and talk through the slot we would have used for the interview. When Peter and I get together we can waffle indefinitely, so there was no problem filling the allotted time! We also switched the webcam on for the first time! Peter has been resisting this for some time, but during various upgrades it had got switched on permanently... and I wasn't about to switch it off, was I? I love the limelight! It was pretty distracting to start with, and then we both went into silly (very unprofessional) kiddy-with-a-new-toy mode and started messing around when the music was on...oh dear! Think we are going to have to make some decisions about that for the future....But it would be useful to have when we have a guest that does something visual, or that benefits from a demonstration. It's all a very steep learning curve!

And whilst in the pub last night (first visit since Xmas, before you start making any comments!), I told Sid about my thought about promoting Belly Dance via Skype, and after throwing around a few ideas I got quite enthusiastic about it. I tried to launch it a few months back, but had directed it towards existing Belly Dancers, and I had no takers, though some interest. But with petrol prices going up I wondered if potential new students might welcome the chance to learn at home, via Skype. AND in theory I could teach anyone, anywhere in the world! Despite my previous lack of success I still think it's a great idea, so am putting some energy into it. I do feel that doing this sort of stuff via the internet is the way forward...I suspect that in the future more and more people will be staying at home and doing more on the web, like shopping, entertainment and learning this space.
OK gotta go now as we are off to Brum for a contact lens appt and to visit and old friend. Toodle Pip sweeties!

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