Tuesday 18 January 2011

Breaking into a Trot!

After a very busy day I'm having a bit of time out, and these days that usually means Facebook, Ebay, or even Blogging!
Had a good class with my lovely Tuesday lunchtime class. We had two new ladies, and I hope I didn't frighten them off as for some strange reason I got all energetic and did a very lively session which  had everyone gasping for breath! Think it might be that I'm feeling quite energetic myself....after having an enforced  rest over Xmas! Have a feeling that by the end of the term I'll be taking it a bit more slowly!
Then had to rush off to Bishops Tachbrook to teach a group of ladies from Age UK jewellery making. It was pretty hard work as some of them had difficulty with their dexterity, but they really enjoyed it, and everyone went away with either a pair of earrings or a choker. Good job- but I'm knackered.......those oldies wore me out! Just as well I have tonight off....I need a lie down!
Tomorrow I have two classes in the evening, but after last weeks of fiasco of only two participants turning up for the beginners, I'm not sure if that class is going to run after this week. The improver/intermediate class however, is very healthy and bouyant.... but they are all self confessed Belly Dance addicts so that's no surprise!
Lots happenning at the moment, my head swirling with costume buying, fabric and trimmings buying, cutting out, as well as forward planning for several events. Everything seems to be kicking off at the same time. We don't usually have a hafla this term, so the Feb one is an added stress, but to be truthful it's kind of sorted itself out as most of the performers and attendees from the cancelled Xmas hafla are coming along. I suspect I'm just suffering from shock after being in sloth mode for so long....!

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