Sunday 23 January 2011

Sunday Waffle

Aaaaah- Sunday!! At last, bit of time to relax! But, of course, me being me, there is a plan.....LOL!
After a good days shopping with Annie from Miramar yesterday, we now have some luscious purple lycra nd some lovely sparkly trimming for the outfits for the finale of the Belly Dance Spectacular.  I managed to fit in a bit of buying beads for myself, but we did spend a fair bit of time dribbling and cooing over the gorgeous jewellery in Forever21 and in the Rag Market. In fact Annie stopped drooling long enough to actually BUY a fabulous diamante necklace and earring set... WOW! And later today I intend to cut out lengths of the aforementioned fabric for the girls to get started. Yes....although it's a Sunday I'm still working! I'm getting anxious about getting behind with the promo stuff for the March show as well as my workshops, so a bit of poster designing is on the cards. And before you ask, I DO occaisionally take time off, but I grab my opportunities where I can, so it might be an hour smooching around the shops or a cosy chat with a pal over tea and cake. Because of the nature of my work, I can't attend regular evening classes myself, so all my hobbies have to fit into the daytime or in the gaps between work committments. But I've been working for myself most of my life, and wouldn't have it any other way! Think after all these years I'd find it hard to be told what to do!! Bossy control freak or what!
Am also having to turn my attention to the other radio show I do. I present a programme called Girl Talk on North Cotswolds Community Radio - it's a kind of slightly more serious version of Loose Women, with me and 3 gals sitting around a table chewing the fat on various subjects. It's great to have a legitimate excuse for having a gossip with the added attraction of it being on the radio. NCCR is another internet radio station, but has been going for a couple of years now, to growing success, so I'm delighted to be part of it. But once a month when we record the shows, I have to find new mean task when everyone is so busy, and many are out at work during the day. But's really good fun, so I don't mind.

Ooo-er- have a feeling this is turning rapidly into a not-so-exciting and rambly waffle....and anyway it's without further ado, I'm off! Byeee!

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