Monday 17 January 2011

Izzy Wizzy, lets get bizzy!

This week my classes start in earnest, so I am having to finally drag myself out of my Christmas snow induced torpor and get into gear. Had one of my 'worry' dreams last night, all about turning up late for an important performance. Those dreams are a sure sign I'm feeling a bit stressed, but I suspect it's just because I've got very lazy and have slowed down much more than is good for me!
So, there is lots on the work front to sort out, design,  organize, promote and attend, which gives me the illusion that I'm busy and then I feel happy cos I think I'm doing something useful! As well as the classes this week I also have a performance (with some members of Miramar), a jewellery making workshop to prepare and teach, the radio show to research and present, a choreography to finish, research for class content and a couple of troupe rehearsals... well that should keep me out of michief! And.... not forgetting forward planning for both the Belly Dance Spectaular (shopping for fabric on Saturday), and Le Petit Souk! I'd better not look too closely at that list... otherwise I might get a little bit scared! I must confess to being a serial list maker...always have been. I suspect it's a futile attempt to try and organise myself, or to try and look as if I know what I am doing and am achieving something! Well, if it makes me feel better, what's the harm?!
Went to Tai Chi class this morning-  it's a great antidote to the stresses of life, and helps me to calm down a little. I've always had a love/hate relationship with it, but I know it does me good, so I persevere, and it helps that Sid is the teacher, as he would make me feel guilty if I didn't go! But I have found that Tai Chi has had a big impact on my life as it's contributed and helped me in my drama, clowning and dance careers. In fact a lot of my Belly Dance teaching is underpinned by Tai Chi principles. And I also know a couple of other belly Dance teachers who have studied martial arts and you can see it in the way they dance and gives them a beautiful centredness and fluidity which other dancers don't generally have. So I would thoroughly reccommend any dancer to try Tai Chi or another martial art to compliement their dancing... it really makes a difference!
Now I am begginning to feel slightly guilty that I'm waffling on here , and not getting on with all that work. Better go...ta taaa for now!

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