Friday 21 January 2011

Rushing and Dashing...

Just a little 'bloggette' today as I've got a quite a bit on and am finding myself dashing here and there and having to rush things, which I don't like! As the classes have started this week, everything seems to have gone up a gear, so although I like to be busy there have been some complicated days when I have had try and squeeze more things than I'd like into less time than I'd prefer! But compared to some people,  I know my life is fairly calm. But I'd like to aspire to a more calm, serene kind of lifestyle, with everything happenning in a sedate and civilised manner, with out a single hair ruffled or out of place!! Ha ha! I know that's unlikely, but I can dream about it, can't I?
So today I've been preparing for the radio show, and then Peter rings to say he is having problems with the mike recognising the IPod, so we might be back with the clunky old CD player again. His computer hasn't really got enough Ram and is now refusing to acknowledge the extra memory we've bolted on and there's a danger it might just collapse in a gasping heap when we try to broadcast!
But before I go to Stratford to broadcast, I've also got to dash off to deliver a key and also have to prepare for the Gypsy troupe meeting tonight! ...And my head is still swirling with ideas to promote my work and myself, as well as the various jobs I have to do with forward planning various events. Urrgh.... think I need a visit to the pub soon, for a large glass of wine therapy!

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