Wednesday 2 February 2011

List Making and Knee Status

Glad to report that the knee is steadily long as I don't get too confident and do too much! After my Monday night class I was limping a bit more, and yesterday after my afternoon class I was worried I'd done more damage, as it was quite painful again and I was having to walk like a snail.  Your brain is working at full speed, but you body isn't and that's very frustrating! I've managed to rest it since and it's feeling better again...but I have the Weds class tonight with the Belly Bolly choreo...will have to get creative about how I teach it! BUT I really want to be able to dance on Saturday at the hafla, so will have to be sensible (uuurgh!).
Spent this morning recording two editions of Girl Talk for NCCR. We pre -record the programmes and they are repeated, so we only have to get together once a month. That's just as well as I have to find 3 likely lassies to come voluntarily each time....but it's good fun as it's an excuse to have a gossip and chinwag, just on air! But I'm trying to decide what knee friendly activity I can do next... and I'm not feeling very decisive. Do I a) look for a printer for the show flier? b) sew a bit of Jackie's bra? c) finalise the hafla programme? d) plan my class e) make some lists? (probably my favourite!) or f) look for a venue postcode? *Sigh* can't decide! Will probably end up doing none of the aforementioned and do something else completely! But as some of you know I am  a bit of a list-maker! I try to organise myself and everyone around me with lists- different lists, forms, questionaires and schedules. I've always been a list maker, but since I have been having the odd senior moment here and there it has become a necessity or things get forgotten! Now I've said all that I'm getting the urge to make a's no good-gotta go a scratch that list!!

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