Sunday 30 January 2011

Day at the Winter Wonderland event

Am rather tired this morning after a very long day yesterday at the Winter Wonderland event in Witney. When Vic and I got there the venue wasn't open so we had a little pootle around and a cup of tea before going back. As the afternoon was just 3 workshops, we quietly got on with setting things up, but I must admit to feeling a slight twinge of envy that I couldn't join in with two of the workshops as they looked such fun! Niiki's Salsa/carnival moves looked so infectious, and Lynne's Vixen Choreo looked like some very vampy fun! In fact we may as well have arrived later, as although we had a few browsers, no one bought anything until the evening hafla. And there were lots of people there as they had 26 acts! There were so many performances that I can't remember them all, but some memorable ones were the Steampunk ladies in gorgeous gypsy/saloon girl/ victorian outfits (think I could sneak some of that past the Shuvani Girls?) dancing to some funky Balkan music, Nikki doing what she does best and looking beautiful to boot, an interesting Rai Scarf dance, several novelty/fusion acts including a western line dance/belly dance number in jeans and shimmy belts and a tango/belly fusion, as well as a fast and furious choreography from Helen Sleiman and her troupe. There seems to be  real trend towards lots of mixing up of styles and genres at the moment, as well as formation style choreographies, with very little traditional/folk being performed. I'm all in favour of fusion, as I think it keeps the dance fresh and interesting but I do also like a bit of Saidi or Folkloric (to use the American term), as long as it's done well. Did quite well on the stall, but was concerned when I realised that the programme had only just finished at 11.20pm! We packed up in double quick time, but what with having to get petrol on the way home as well, I didn't get to bed until after 2pm and Vicky had another 30 mins drive from my house! Rather grumpy and irritable as a result! 
Glad to say that the knee has improved, but not sure if I need any Bowen or not. In any case I would have to wait until tomorrow as the clinic is closed today. And although today should officially be a day of rest, there are work as well as house related jobs that need doing, so I think I'll have to get off my bum  and get on with them...*sigh*

Friday 28 January 2011

Armchair Gypsy and a little light Moaning

Managed to do my classes last night, but I couldn't have done it wthout the sterling help of my lovely assistant Rosemary! I could manage stationary stuff, but definitely NO travelling steps. So she stepped in (literally) where I couldn't manage. Also, based on a suggestion by my pal Lucy, I think I may have discovered a new belly dance genre...Armchair Gypsy! Surprising how much you can do sitting down...even skirt swishing! Reminded me of an amazing clip I saw on YouTube, of two Oriental ladies performing a Belly Dance routine on telly... but one was in a wheelchair and the other had crutches! Incredible! The knee is slightly better this morning, but I'm still hobbling about like an old lady and having to clutch at any supportive object I can you have been warned! And although it was lovely to meet up with my pal Lucy yesterday ( nothing comes between me and my cake, by the way!), she handed me some instruments of torture...3 DVD's of dance which I can only watch and not participate in at the moment! AAAaargh!
But I won't let a knee injury affect my radio siree! This blog is just a little break from preparing my reserach and the schedule for the programme this afternoon, but I'll be back on it in no time! Peter has finally managed to sort out playing the music direct from his new ( and very shiny) IPod, so we are going to be even better than last week! It feels as if we are at last beginning to get back to the old settled routine we had before the station closedown, so we can start promoting the programme in earnest.
Looking forward too, to attending Nikki Livermore's Winter Wonderland event tomorrow. Just as well I hadn't booked myself into any workshops, eh!? So apart from the setting up and clearing away of the stall I can legitimately sit on my bum most of the day, and just enjoy the view! I made loads of new stock items over Xmas when I was snowbound so am looking forward to seeing if they will be popular...I hope so... Will have to warn Vicky of my little temporary 'disability'! But I at least have almost four dance free days to give the knee a chance to recover. If it isn't healing noticeably by Sun/Mon I might consider some Bowen defintely worked it's magic before for me, and I thoroughly reccomend it!

Thursday 27 January 2011

Knackered Knee and Other Stuff

Am feeling a bit sorry for myself to day, and am having to sit on my bum a bit more than I'd prefer, as I've gone and twisted my knee again!! GRRRrrrrrr. As a dancer and teacher, you expect to get the odd strain or pain, and unfortunately I've twisted both knees at different times over the last 5/6 years, and this has left them rather tired and very sensitive to any overwork. So I have to take really good care of them (usually) and follow all the good practises etc, so it was ironic that this last incident was simply getting up quicky off the sofa! At the time it was just a sharp twinge, and I thought I'd got away with it so gaily carried on teaching last night, finishing off with some lively Belly Bolly! Not a clever idea, I realised, as soon as the class came to an end as the knees were both complaining loudly...and today my left knee is refusing to bend much and forcing me to limp around like Jake The Peg! So I will be relying heavily on Rosemary tonight to help out. She is one of my lovely experienced students who is a graceful dancer, is great at remembering choreographies and has been studying belly dancing or so long that she knows lots of moves, and is quite capable of demonstrating them beautifully. And fortunately I then have almost four dance free days to recover, thank goodness!
So I guess it's down to the computer admin stuff then! No excuses...hhhmpf!
Had a lovely morning cuppa and cake with my great pal Luce, and we had a very interesting chat...a lot of which was about belly dancing. Lucy and I met when we were both students of Linda Markey, and have stayed friends ever since, and as she sews and is into making jewellery there is always something to discuss or drool over. We are Sisters of the Sparkle! And we know lots of the same people, too! Belly dancing is a very sociable hobby as there is a strong tradition for geting together at workshops, haflas and other events to learn, dress up and dance, and of course gossip about belly dance, too! I've made lots of good friends and accquaintances over the years and it constitutes a very big part of my social life, as well....

Right, think it's about time I hobbled around a bit before it all seizes up, and also I'm feeling guilty about not doing any work, so will sign off for now....Byeeeee!

Wednesday 26 January 2011

The Appreciation List and seeing the positive......

Another inspirational idea from Maggy Whitehouse! An Appreciation List. At the end of each day you sit down (or in my case, lie down!) and list ten things you have appreciated or are thankful for in that day. You can write them down in a book or if you are lazy like me you just run through them in your head! But apparently doing this over a period of time really helps you to feel more abundant and happy. I can well believe fact I did it for a while a few months ago, and was surprised at how more cheerful I felt! And it doesn't have to be big things, it can just be little simple things, like enjoying your cup of coffee, or getting a smile from someone you love. And it can be quite a surprise to look back over your day and re-discover just how much you did, experienced, gained and enjoyed! Think we girls especially spend too much time rushing around and doing things for other people, and rarely stand still for long enough to pat ourselves on the back, or count our blessings. My (only) New Years Resolution this year is to focus on being positive, so I'm trying to see the good side of everything, or how a problem can be a blessing in disguise, or at the very least what I can learn from a difficult situation. I believe the Universe/world to be a benevolent place, and thinking that makes it so for me. We all know someone who seems to have a real downer on life or for whom everything seems to go it's interesting to consider what their approach to life is? Do they see a problem at every corner, or expect things to go wrong? And when we preface every sentence, with  'Well, knowing my luck' , 'I just knew there'd be a problem...' then we are setting up the world to fit into our view. According to some sources, the energy of the Universe is neither positive or negative, just neutral, and it us and our thoughts that influence it either one way or the other. Greg Braden (an inspirational teacher on YouTube) has some very interesting ideas and reports of experiments showing how as humans, we share our DNA quite literally with the rest of the planet, and therefore whatever we think or do cannot but influence the world around us- the Butterfly Effect. However....the trick is to not get in our own way! It's that naughty old ego who wants to control everything and stops us fulfilling our potential, and thinks it knows best. But that is only a limited viewpoint, as the Universe can see the bigger picture and is wiser than us. So..anything you want has to be held like you would a butterfly.....gently, without control, grasping or fear, and no attachment to the outcome.

Oh my goodness....where did all that spring from!!LOL!

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Cogitating on Costumes...and other stuff

I'm looking forward to a quieter week this week as the last one felt a bit full-on! And I need the time to do some long overdue jobs, as well as considering the designs for my white show bra and finale costume.

 We are doing a candle dance in the show and I had this vision of us all in white, like virign priestesses...well a bit too late for the virginal bit, but we can try! So we have each bought our own white bra and I've given everyone a 'kit' with the same pieces of braid, bags of sequins and white glittery asian motifs, and each person can decorate their bra as they like. We've already got white velvet skirts so some are covering their bras with the same velvet prior to decorating, but as I found a bra with little silver sequins glued to the fabric already I'll just go straight for the decoration...Yes! And the finale costumes are going to look very classy as the lycra has come out on the darker side of Cadburys Purple, and we are having silver and purple decorations. Everyone can design their own costume but using the same fabric and trimmings, so they will all look slightly different but similar...bit like a girl band.
So while these potential deigns are swirling around my head I have to also start planning Le Petit Souk, produce a poster and finalise workshop details with the teachers...and I urgently need to get down to designing a poster for the Belly Dance Spectacular, as it's only about 8 weeks away! Not forgetting promoting my Belly Skype lessons and workshops, and planning classes. Pheweee.....just as well I don't have any children - except for Sid! I could do with a secretary/office angel/personal assistant who would work for free and mop my brow occaisionally!
So....not much room in my head for philosophy or contemplation, unfortunately, but you never know what might suddenly present itself.............

Sunday 23 January 2011

Sunday Waffle

Aaaaah- Sunday!! At last, bit of time to relax! But, of course, me being me, there is a plan.....LOL!
After a good days shopping with Annie from Miramar yesterday, we now have some luscious purple lycra nd some lovely sparkly trimming for the outfits for the finale of the Belly Dance Spectacular.  I managed to fit in a bit of buying beads for myself, but we did spend a fair bit of time dribbling and cooing over the gorgeous jewellery in Forever21 and in the Rag Market. In fact Annie stopped drooling long enough to actually BUY a fabulous diamante necklace and earring set... WOW! And later today I intend to cut out lengths of the aforementioned fabric for the girls to get started. Yes....although it's a Sunday I'm still working! I'm getting anxious about getting behind with the promo stuff for the March show as well as my workshops, so a bit of poster designing is on the cards. And before you ask, I DO occaisionally take time off, but I grab my opportunities where I can, so it might be an hour smooching around the shops or a cosy chat with a pal over tea and cake. Because of the nature of my work, I can't attend regular evening classes myself, so all my hobbies have to fit into the daytime or in the gaps between work committments. But I've been working for myself most of my life, and wouldn't have it any other way! Think after all these years I'd find it hard to be told what to do!! Bossy control freak or what!
Am also having to turn my attention to the other radio show I do. I present a programme called Girl Talk on North Cotswolds Community Radio - it's a kind of slightly more serious version of Loose Women, with me and 3 gals sitting around a table chewing the fat on various subjects. It's great to have a legitimate excuse for having a gossip with the added attraction of it being on the radio. NCCR is another internet radio station, but has been going for a couple of years now, to growing success, so I'm delighted to be part of it. But once a month when we record the shows, I have to find new mean task when everyone is so busy, and many are out at work during the day. But's really good fun, so I don't mind.

Ooo-er- have a feeling this is turning rapidly into a not-so-exciting and rambly waffle....and anyway it's without further ado, I'm off! Byeee!

Friday 21 January 2011

Rushing and Dashing...

Just a little 'bloggette' today as I've got a quite a bit on and am finding myself dashing here and there and having to rush things, which I don't like! As the classes have started this week, everything seems to have gone up a gear, so although I like to be busy there have been some complicated days when I have had try and squeeze more things than I'd like into less time than I'd prefer! But compared to some people,  I know my life is fairly calm. But I'd like to aspire to a more calm, serene kind of lifestyle, with everything happenning in a sedate and civilised manner, with out a single hair ruffled or out of place!! Ha ha! I know that's unlikely, but I can dream about it, can't I?
So today I've been preparing for the radio show, and then Peter rings to say he is having problems with the mike recognising the IPod, so we might be back with the clunky old CD player again. His computer hasn't really got enough Ram and is now refusing to acknowledge the extra memory we've bolted on and there's a danger it might just collapse in a gasping heap when we try to broadcast!
But before I go to Stratford to broadcast, I've also got to dash off to deliver a key and also have to prepare for the Gypsy troupe meeting tonight! ...And my head is still swirling with ideas to promote my work and myself, as well as the various jobs I have to do with forward planning various events. Urrgh.... think I need a visit to the pub soon, for a large glass of wine therapy!

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Breaking into a Trot!

After a very busy day I'm having a bit of time out, and these days that usually means Facebook, Ebay, or even Blogging!
Had a good class with my lovely Tuesday lunchtime class. We had two new ladies, and I hope I didn't frighten them off as for some strange reason I got all energetic and did a very lively session which  had everyone gasping for breath! Think it might be that I'm feeling quite energetic myself....after having an enforced  rest over Xmas! Have a feeling that by the end of the term I'll be taking it a bit more slowly!
Then had to rush off to Bishops Tachbrook to teach a group of ladies from Age UK jewellery making. It was pretty hard work as some of them had difficulty with their dexterity, but they really enjoyed it, and everyone went away with either a pair of earrings or a choker. Good job- but I'm knackered.......those oldies wore me out! Just as well I have tonight off....I need a lie down!
Tomorrow I have two classes in the evening, but after last weeks of fiasco of only two participants turning up for the beginners, I'm not sure if that class is going to run after this week. The improver/intermediate class however, is very healthy and bouyant.... but they are all self confessed Belly Dance addicts so that's no surprise!
Lots happenning at the moment, my head swirling with costume buying, fabric and trimmings buying, cutting out, as well as forward planning for several events. Everything seems to be kicking off at the same time. We don't usually have a hafla this term, so the Feb one is an added stress, but to be truthful it's kind of sorted itself out as most of the performers and attendees from the cancelled Xmas hafla are coming along. I suspect I'm just suffering from shock after being in sloth mode for so long....!

Monday 17 January 2011

Izzy Wizzy, lets get bizzy!

This week my classes start in earnest, so I am having to finally drag myself out of my Christmas snow induced torpor and get into gear. Had one of my 'worry' dreams last night, all about turning up late for an important performance. Those dreams are a sure sign I'm feeling a bit stressed, but I suspect it's just because I've got very lazy and have slowed down much more than is good for me!
So, there is lots on the work front to sort out, design,  organize, promote and attend, which gives me the illusion that I'm busy and then I feel happy cos I think I'm doing something useful! As well as the classes this week I also have a performance (with some members of Miramar), a jewellery making workshop to prepare and teach, the radio show to research and present, a choreography to finish, research for class content and a couple of troupe rehearsals... well that should keep me out of michief! And.... not forgetting forward planning for both the Belly Dance Spectaular (shopping for fabric on Saturday), and Le Petit Souk! I'd better not look too closely at that list... otherwise I might get a little bit scared! I must confess to being a serial list maker...always have been. I suspect it's a futile attempt to try and organise myself, or to try and look as if I know what I am doing and am achieving something! Well, if it makes me feel better, what's the harm?!
Went to Tai Chi class this morning-  it's a great antidote to the stresses of life, and helps me to calm down a little. I've always had a love/hate relationship with it, but I know it does me good, so I persevere, and it helps that Sid is the teacher, as he would make me feel guilty if I didn't go! But I have found that Tai Chi has had a big impact on my life as it's contributed and helped me in my drama, clowning and dance careers. In fact a lot of my Belly Dance teaching is underpinned by Tai Chi principles. And I also know a couple of other belly Dance teachers who have studied martial arts and you can see it in the way they dance and gives them a beautiful centredness and fluidity which other dancers don't generally have. So I would thoroughly reccommend any dancer to try Tai Chi or another martial art to compliement their dancing... it really makes a difference!
Now I am begginning to feel slightly guilty that I'm waffling on here , and not getting on with all that work. Better go...ta taaa for now!

Sunday 16 January 2011

The Ordeal at the Opticians and Flu Jabs flim flam

I know I appear to be seriously addicted to blogging at the moment, but it's partly as I have the time to write at the moment...and with all the stuff I have lined up for this term just around the corner, I thought I'd better squeeze in a few entries while the going is good. Mind you, when I used to have a blog on MySpace I found writing a great outlet for all my stress, although I'm not sure my readers thought so! So some serious moaning and whinging might have been warned!
Spent two hours at the contact lens clinic yesterday....hmpf! I'm due some new lenses, and as I have a very high prescription I go to a specialist in Birmingham... and he has the most up to date state-of-the-art equipment you can find in the country, as he proudly told me! Anyway they said 40 mins, so Sid sat patiently in the waiting room, but in the end he fell asleep..which is just as well considering the time it finally took. I had to have the pressure measured (for Glaucoma- my Mum had it), a special scan (in case of retinal tears or detachments), various computer pictures taken, and a full sight test by two different people (at least they are thorough!). And in between all that glasses on, glasses off, contact lenses in, contact lenses out, glasses back on, old lenses back in...phew! What a palaver...BUT I'm very grateful I was born now, and not 100 years ago as with my poor level of sight my life would have been very limited and not very nice...and what guy would have looked at me with glasses like bottle bottoms! So... with all of that,  really no time for any proper shopping (much to Sid's relief), although I had to bribe him with a visit to Nero to even get him into any shop!

But on the way home we started talking about the flu jabs the government have been trying to persuade people to have. As dyed in the wool hippies and wierdos we are advocates of alternative therapies and complimentary treatments and lifestyle, so we were both horrified to discover that these jabs contain amongst other things, formaldehyde (used for preserving dead bodies), mercury (a known poison), aluminium ( suspected of contributing to Altzheimers Disease), and the stuff you put into screen wash. OMG! WHY would you want to inject those poisons into your body? And some research Peter did for the radio show stated that in fact it has (unsurprisingly) made some people ill...where's the logic in that? Call me a cynic, but I suspect the government is trying to get rid of all those expensive jabs they ordered for the flu epidemic that never was last year, and are deliberately widening the band of those they recommend to have it, at the same time as playing down the fact that deaths from flu this year are just the average expected!  A much better option in my view is swilling down some Echinacea and Vitamin C, but only if you get any symptoms. But to be honest, it really needs a completely different approach to health in this country. I like the Chinese model where people visit their doctor regularly to keep them from getting ill in the first place! The doctors would consider themselves failures if their patients got sick! I feel it's really my own responsibility to keep well, and therefore am prepared to spend money on regular treatments and therapies that are designed to keep up my levels of wellness. My favourite for some years has been Homeopathy, which can treat not only physical symptoms, but also emotional and spiritual states too, and it's changed me from an anxious, angst ridden mess, into the gorgeous woman you see today! Well, OK, it can't actually give me a facelift, but it  has helped my confidence no end!
Anyway, my classes start in earnest next week, so I may find I have little time for blogging....but we'll see. But  what with the Belly Dance Spectacular looming closer, and my 10th Anniversary Hafla on 5th Feb, not to mention the forward planning I need to do for the souk, you can see why I might be a bit busy!
More next time.........

Saturday 15 January 2011

Radio Show & Skype

Well, the radio show didn't go quite as planned...Peter phoned me to say that the elderly computer we have been using just wasn't coping well with all the load we were subjecting it too, so we were having to find ingenious  (and temporary) ways around various problems, and this meant there was a greater risk of the whole thing freezing up or crashing! So, we decided to cancel our guest, as it would have been mortifying if that had happenned while interviewing her, especially as it would have been her second attempt to be interviewed by us (the previous attempt had been at SCR when the electrics went down). We decided to go ahead anyway with the material we had already prepared and talk through the slot we would have used for the interview. When Peter and I get together we can waffle indefinitely, so there was no problem filling the allotted time! We also switched the webcam on for the first time! Peter has been resisting this for some time, but during various upgrades it had got switched on permanently... and I wasn't about to switch it off, was I? I love the limelight! It was pretty distracting to start with, and then we both went into silly (very unprofessional) kiddy-with-a-new-toy mode and started messing around when the music was on...oh dear! Think we are going to have to make some decisions about that for the future....But it would be useful to have when we have a guest that does something visual, or that benefits from a demonstration. It's all a very steep learning curve!

And whilst in the pub last night (first visit since Xmas, before you start making any comments!), I told Sid about my thought about promoting Belly Dance via Skype, and after throwing around a few ideas I got quite enthusiastic about it. I tried to launch it a few months back, but had directed it towards existing Belly Dancers, and I had no takers, though some interest. But with petrol prices going up I wondered if potential new students might welcome the chance to learn at home, via Skype. AND in theory I could teach anyone, anywhere in the world! Despite my previous lack of success I still think it's a great idea, so am putting some energy into it. I do feel that doing this sort of stuff via the internet is the way forward...I suspect that in the future more and more people will be staying at home and doing more on the web, like shopping, entertainment and learning this space.
OK gotta go now as we are off to Brum for a contact lens appt and to visit and old friend. Toodle Pip sweeties!

Friday 14 January 2011

The Letter and Treasure Maps

OK!! Yippeee! I'm back! After fiddling about for a couple fo weeks trying to get back on here, I'm rather embarrassed to admit that the problem was because I was putting the wrong email in the sign in box....DOH!

Anyway, moving swiftly on.....I wanted to talk about Treasure maps and The Letter. My Insipration Spot on the radio today is all about The Letter, an idea that I picked up from my good friend Maggy Whitehouse who is a very wise woamn. The Letter is a concept that shares most if not all it's precepts with Cosmic Ordering, as no doubt many of you will know what that is.
So, the idea is that at the end of the year/beginning of the next, you write a letter as if you were sending it to someone the following December, telling them what kind of a year you have had. So instead of the usual Round Robin, you have a wonderful message about positive events. You need to think of all the marvellous things you would love to have happen in the next year, and write them down as if they have already happenned, and you need to phrase it in very positive no 'I managed to do this..' or 'against all odds this happenned..' It really makes you realise just how many negative or limiting phrases we use every day! The Universe is ready to give you what ever you is only your ego that stops it. This is because the ego limits us in order to protect us- often based on old messages we learnt as children, but our higher self is limitless. So if we let go of the ego and allow our imagination to go wild...anything is possible! But be careful not to limit yourself too much or be too specific...for example, if you say 'I got a blue turbo charged Micra', then you are not allowing the Universe to give you something better or different. The Universe is wiser than us, and although we think we know what we want, sometimes it knows better! So 'I got a fantastic blue car' allows the Universe to maybe give you a blue Bentley, rather than a Micra!  And you need to write your letter to a friend who you know will be sympathetic to what you are don't need to send it, but having someone to direct it to will give it energy. Maggy says you can email it to her (you can find her on Facbook). Then you put the letter away, and forget about it, therefore allowing the Universe to get on with the business of dealing with your requests unhindered by you! The exciting bit is getting it out again in Decmber and seeing how much of it came true!
I cam across a very similar idea many years ago, but this time it was called a Treasure Map. Instead of a letter, you took a large piece of paper, and covered it with pictures and words about what you wanted for the year / in the future. As with the letter, it had to be full of positive statements, and not too specific, and at the bottom you had to put the phrase 'this or something better, to the highest good of all concerned'. Then you put it up on the wall so you saw it every time you passed by. I did this treasure map, and admittedly I was a bit too desperate and couldn't leave it alone and worrited over it too much! I asked for stacks of money....and wondered why I didn't get it! It probably would have been better to have asked for a windfall, or maybe a better paid job. However, a couple of things DID work out. I'd asked to go to the Findhorn Foundation and wanted to meet Eileen Caddy...and I did just that...went on a course with her! And...while asking for work abroad I'd put up a picture of a group of people having fun together in the sun......and blow me if one of the people in the picture turned up on the Eileen Caddy course! Wow, that was weird!
Anyway, this has got me all excited about the idea again, so I'm off to write my letter!
And if you are interested, I'll be talking about it on The Alternative Show this afternoon 2-4pm on  
See ya later!

Thursday 13 January 2011

Finally Back!

I know it's silly o'clock in the morning, but I'm writing to celebrate that after a couple of weeks unsuccessfully trying to sign myself back on here I've finally done it!! Bloody technology....or what it operator error? Hmmm.....
Anyway, I'm still finding out how to use this facility, so I now would like to know how to share my posts- otherwise I may as well be talking to myself. Well, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing, actually...ahem.
Radio show tomorrw- we're still finding our feet after a couple of dodgy but moderately successful attempts. Tomorrow is the first time since Oct that we have an 'official' guest, so I'm feeling slightly nervous, mainly 'cos I'm worried the technology will fail us, or us it... if you get my drift!
But more tomorrow, if I can remember how to get myself back on here....see you in about two weeks perhaps!!LOL!