Wednesday 8 June 2011

Resuming transmission.......

Ooops! Can't believe how long it's been since my last post! I guess it's been a combination of me being very busy with the souk and costume making as well as juggling the complicated dates around Easter and the Royal Wedding, and I've also been feeling a bit fed up and depressed so didn't feel much like writing anyway.
Am glad to say that the grey cloud has lifted a little, and most of the credit has to go to Julie my lovely homeopath who has been dosing me up with Pluto (have a suspicion she said the full name was Plutonium!!- or was that my vivid imaginaton running away with me again?!!). But whatever it is, it has helped. Most of the problems have been around money - or rather the lack of it. I know lots of others are suffering too, but you can only really deal with your own stuff. Am still feeling like I'm treading water, though. I feel that a change is imminent, and that's always a strange time, where I feel alternately stuck, or completely at sea. And that's not mentioning the mood swings!! Oh dear, oh dear, yes I have those too! I'm going through the menopause as well, so that's a huge rite of passage too, so I suppose it's probably quite normal to feel wierd!!LOL!

I'm also wondering if it's not somethng to do with next year being 2012? There is lots of speculation about what is going to happen next year as the Mayan Calender says its the end of time! In fact, some crazy American preacher claimed that Armageddon was going to happen on 21st May this year, but when it didn't, revised his dates to later this year. Don't think I'll be holding my breath! BUT the interesting and entertaining Greg Braden (check him out on YouTube) says that the changes that are due to occur are already happenning. My take on it is that because the changes are gradual (and if you look around you can see there have been lots of changes happenning for several years) that the end of 2012 may signal the culmination or peak of these changes. I don't think there will be a big bang or fireworks, but we will be able to look back and see a subtle but powerful journey we have all travelled together. I'm not saying that the end of 2012 will be the end of the process, but rather a peak or crisis point, a place from which we can settle down and get used to the outcome of the upheaval. One obvious example is what the meda is calling the Arab Spring, where so many Middle Eastern countries followed the Egyptian uprising and overturned decades of tyranny and corruption-all by the power of the people. Sadly, some are still struggling with that as I write. But it's obvious that the 'old' world order is changing, and you may as well accept and get used to it, otherwise you will find it very hard work. Life is easy for the man (or woman) with no preferences! The trick is to tune into where and what the changes are so you can be 'single weighted' (a Tai Chi term for being ready and balanced) and as prepared as possible. endeth the first lesson!

OK, just realised I haven't caught up at all on the day to day stuff that has been occurring, so brace yourself for a whistle stop tour of my life over the last two months.....
Did a memorable solo performance in a pub restaurant, solo performance at a Royal Wedding party, Miramar performing at the Shakespeare Birthday Celebrations, Le Petit Souk went well in the new venue, fab shopping for sparkle in the Soho Road, Miramar performing at Southern Down Retirement Home, Performing and teaching at Oxford Belly Dance Bonanza, performing with Shuvani in our new costumes at the Wool Fair in the rain, another solo performance at Shipston Arts Festival....and there's more coming up this summer! And that's not including organising summer classes and taster sessions, a summer hafla, several troupe appearances and an autumn souk. No rest for the wicked, I guess!
Back soon......

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