Tuesday 14 June 2011

Dancing in the Daylight!

Had a very pleasant weekend which included: a trip to the pub,  a visit to The Cake Maker (my sister), lunch with pals, and taking my stall to a hafla (where I sold a few things!).
The hafla was organised by Anne Blagden who teaches in Cheltenham, and unusually it was on a Sunday and during the day! The original idea was that it was going to culminate in a outdoor picnic, but it poured with rain the whole day! However, as we were in doors, it was a lovely informal event and everyone was in a relaxed, happy mood. Vic and I decided the fact that everyone was so relaxed was mostly due to the fact that most people don't do much on a Sunday afternoon, and they weren't in a hurry to get home or go anywhere, and as we ate food at about 3pm after the performances, all the dancers then were able to happily mill around the stalls and shop. As I was performing and nervous as usual, I got ready a bit too early so didn't see many performances, but Anne herself did a lovely veil dance, and Em Chuter did a very original (and topical) Pirate themed dance - complete with the Jolly Roger as a veil! But the whole event inspired Fiona (from Ashara Bazaar) to suggest to Anne and I that we should hold a tea party in her garden while people shopped at our stalls. If there's cake, I'll be there! And hopefully so should lots of other people!
And talking of daytime events, Shuvani will be performing at Leamington Peace Festival this weekend- a first for Bastet Belly Dance! Leamington Peace Festival was started in the 1970's and has been going ever since! It's like a mini music festival but is for two days only in the middle of the town, and has lots of stalls, traders, workshops and other events as well as live music all day. It's a fab day out for all the old hippies, kids, families , eco activists and music lovers.I'll be doing a short Belly Dance taster workshop and then Shuvani will be performing their latest set of dances in our new, very bright, sweetie-coloured outfits, at 1.15 on Saturday. Just praying for sunshine after the last bloddy washout on Bank Holiday Monday!

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