Wednesday 22 June 2011

Fuzzy Logic

Am having a very woolly few days, it seems! Tried to practise dances last night for todays retirement home performance and just couldn't seem to get it right! Slightly better this morning when I had another go, but am still feeling rather fuzzy and a bit down. So, you have been warned- don't ask me anything, tell me anything or even ask me my own name...cos I know nothing!!
On a more positive note, yesterday was the Summer Solstice, and this was the day two years ago that Sid and I got handfasted. The tradition with handfasting is that you return to the scene of the crime a year later to renew or break your vows. That first year was seen as a honeymoon period when you decided whether or not you should stay'll be relieved to know that we decided we may as well carry on!So we thought we'd go up there again just to reconnect with our vows and commitment to each other, and 'feel the vibe' so to which Sid fancied going for a drink....I wasn't going to say no! So we got to the Rollrights just as the sun was setting, and had a glorious view back over the valley below. Magical. And The Norman Knight was quite magical too! Great atmosphere and good booze...they brew their own and Sid was very impressed with it!
So onto the performance this afternoon....could be a trip into the unknown given my state of mind...but I'll do my best!  A bit of adrenaline should gee me up!

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