Thursday 9 June 2011

Letting go.....

Well after my previous lack of enthusiasm, I'm now trying to make up for it with another blog, immediately after the last one. It's probably going to be like waiting for a bus.....!
As I mentioned last time, these are turbulent times, both personally and world wide, in fact. I know my difficulties are as nothing compared to some people, but I chose to be right here, right now, so I gotta deal with it! Although my financial situtation is pretty dire my friend Arielle pointed out the other day that I am rich in other ways, and promptly handed me a pack of divination cards and asked me to pick one. Well, well, guess what, I came up with Gratitude! And of course all it had to say was basically that if I was grateful for and valued the things I DO have then I would feel abundant , and the rest would follow. So I have been trying to spend a little time each night counting my blessings ( that's if I don't fall asleep first!), as I know this helps make me feel better. I've also decided that I'm handing my financial situation over to the Universe/God/Goddess. This doesn't mean I'm covering my ears and closing my eyes and humming, but that I'm giving up on worrying about it. Of course I'll still need to do my sums and  manage things, but I'm taking the attitude that the Universe will either provide me with the cash, or the means to pay my bills. If you allow yourself to be very flexible and adaptable, then it gives the powers that be the maximum opportunity to send you surprises, gifts, unusal arrangements, creative solutions and more besides. It's a case of letting go, instead of my usual terrier-like worriting that I'm prone to fall back into! A clairvoyant once told me that there would always be a loaf on the table....and I've always believed that. If I'm trying to do the work of the spirit and live a good life, then I'll get all the help I need. The only problem is getting out of my own way......

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