Sunday 17 April 2011

Creating Costumes

Went shopping in Brum yesterday with four of the Shuvani girls for Indian braid for our newest costumes. We needed some new costumes so I suggested Indian 'inspired' costumes which they all seemed to like- full gypsy skirt with enthnic/sparkly braid and trims, velvet choli top with decoration, and a tie around belt with decoration and wool tassels. Everyone has also gone for bright colours with lots of contrast so we should be very visible, I hope! We are also planning a Steam Punk style costume, too, so we were delighted to find some cheap basques in 'Pre-Marche' (!) whcih we could all get into. Did further shopping on the Stratford Road on the way home and didn't get home till 7pm! Belly Dancing is such hard work!!
Today we are all meeting up to make wool tassels under Sue's expert gudance- should be fun. Then the hard work of sewing and putting everything together starts, but as we have a little time to go before the next gig I can relax and enjoy it!
And.... the next couple of weeks will be a partial enforced rest as it's Easter and the Royal Wedding, but as usual I'm going to have to put some work in, as the Souk is on the 7th May and I'm hoping to get a last minute rush of bookings!
Right...Sid the Chef has just phoned with culinary instructions, so if I want my lunch sometime soon I'd better get onto it....taraaa!

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