Friday 17 June 2011

Life is What You Make It.

Must be a slow week this week as I've managed to write a blog almost every day!
Yesterday's was quite serious and hopefully thought provoking (even if you disagree with me!), but todays blog is definitely going to be on the lite side!
Got a busy day today as I've got to do some postering for my summer beginners course, as well as a few errands in Stratford before going off to do the radio show this afternon. Then I have to fit in some practise for the Shuvani performance at the Peace Festival tomorrow as well as checking my costume over and preparing for the workshop I'm teaching too. Even though I try and pace myself somehow everything manages to concertina up and then I end up running around frantically, trying to NOT get stressed about the fact that I am having to rush!
Yesterday was not the best day, partly as I had to update my bank account, and at the moment that can be a painful process, and true to form, it whacked me over the head! So. no drinkies or treats for a while then...grrrr. It's at times like these when I wonder if my Mum wasn't right when she tried to persuade me to to go into banking! However, then, as now, I would have rather died than go into such a boring and dull job. I've realised over the years that creativity is almost as important to me as breathing, and in rare periods in my life where I haven't been able to do anything creative I've become very depressed and unhappy. Life wouldn't be worth living if I couldn't sew, or make jewellery, costumes - or anything artistic, actually. I've dabbled in lots of things over the years, and may yet go back to them....painting and drawing, crochet, clay jewellery, tap dancing, clowning, acting, scene and prop making, drumming, jazz dance, photography and lots more!
Sid and I watched a programe about the hanging of the Royal Academy of Arts exhibition last night, and were both amazed and amused by some of the work that the judges thought had merit, and we both jokingly suggested that WE could produce work as good!! My finances are sooo bad at the moment that I would consider anything that could earn us some money...even producing art works! I know that might sound a bit nuts, but my art teacher did think I was on track to become the next David Hockney (oh, yes, apparently!)...I'm beginning to wonder where it all went wrong?! But seriously, I am in the kind of mood where anything is possible....hehehe!! Watch this space.....LOL!

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