Saturday 12 February 2011

The Spoils of the Day.....

I know it's very late, but as Sid has decided now is the time to scrub the tiled floor in the hallway, I am trying to keep out of his way and NOT get involved!! When Sid decides to do something he turns into a Whirling Dervish and if you don't keep your distance you get inexorably drawn into the maelstrom!
Have had a very long but ejoyable day today in the company of Vicky, Selene and Anne. Vic I and Selene had planned to go to the RSC costume sale, but after waiting an hour in the queue it began to look as if we'd not even get into the building for another hour at least, and as there were also a couple of hundred people ahead of us too , that wouldn't be anything left, anyway! We'd planned to also go to Birmingham to buy veil fabric so rather than jeopardise that we decided to cut our losses and abandon the attempt and go and have a cup of tea. We then met up with Anne and went off to Brum. Although we had a lovely afternoon  we didn't find any suitable fabric so I will have to go back next sat when I return for a contact lens appt. But we all really enjoyed pootling around the Rag Market and I introduced the others to Forever 21 which is a very trendy clothes shop (hopefully that upped my kudos with Selene as she is 14 and very cool of course!). I ended up with several very nice bracelets (for the stall), some sequin motifs and some CD envelopes...not a very impressive haul and only one of the things on my shopping list!
But after taking a whole day out I will have to do some serious sewing tomorrow to get on top of the two white bras I am decorating...and I haven't even cut out my finale costume...eeek!
Anyway, my glass of Japonica wine is calling me (another of Sids' creations!!) so who am I to resist it's lure.......

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