Monday 21 February 2011

Monday update....

Well the Speed Awareness course wasn't so bad actually. In fact it was due to the skill of the presenters that it seemed reasonably interesting and entertaining, and I wasn't checking the clock every five minutes! It's certainly made me more cautious about sticking to the speed limit, but I still think that particular stretch of road is the work of the Devil!! Apparently 3 or 4 people at the workshop had been caught on it...
Well now it's half term (except for the class that I couldn't do last Tuesday), so I'm planning to catch up on things that have been a bit behind- particularly getting the show costumes properly underway, as well as show advertising and Le Petit Souk promo stuff. But the line up of teachers for the souk is now finalised and I'm delighted that we have Galit Mersand, Lynne Chapman, Loreley Rice, Samantha Hough and Di Cox. Starting to look forward to it! Glad to have some time off but invariably a lot of it will be spent working on admin! But I'm hoping that Sid and I can have some time off together as we are not managing that very often at the moment, and all that work and no play makes us VERY dull...or in our case GRUMPY!
Went to a hafla in Redditch on Saturday and although we allowed a good hour to get there we got soo lost that we ended up driving up and down some damn dual carriageway for what seemed like forever! Thank God for the nice man at the petrol station who knew where we needed to go and directed us perfectly- and also the event was so laid back that they didn't start for another 40 mins so we had time to set up (in a swearing hurry, in my case!), and in fact did very well! Remind me to allow a week to find anywhere in Redditch next time!!
Anyway, I guess I should really get back to sewing decoration on Jackie K-T's bra, then finish mine off. At least I can do it while sitting in front of the telly.....

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