Tuesday 15 February 2011

Being Busy and Sitting on the Naughty Step

I'm back!! The sensitive toothpaste worked like magic!  Marvellous! I know I'm beginning to sound like an advert, but it was sooo painful that I was delighted when it stopped!  Aaah, now I can think straight again....
One of the reasons everything seems to be going faster is that I have been getting creative with my work. Yes, it's partly self inflicted! As the classes had taken a little dip with fewer newbies coming along, I've been trying all sorts of inventive ways of using my skills to earn a crust (or even a whole loaf). Some ideas are still in the pipeline but some are further developed....trying a new format for beginners classes, teaching more 'one off'' workshops, developing the BellySkype lessons, taking the stall to more events and haflas, selling my jewellery online, running a short beginners course, filming some instructional DVD's, and lots of other ideas either creating new events or developing existing ones. My head is always full of ideas and projects, but alas I don't always have the time and energy (and money!) to put them into practise. BUT some do make it into the real world, and hopefully earn me some money while providing lots of people with fun, enjoyment and entertainment!!
Just as well I'm feeling a bit bouncy as I'm off this afternoon to have my hand slapped- metaphorically speaking, that is! I was caught speeding (if you can call it that!) doing 37 in a 30 limit! Grrr! I know I shouldn't have been going over the limit, but in my defence I was hunting for a turning and missed the ridiculous signs, placed (deliberately to catch out unsuspecting drivers, and make lots of money!) so close together as to be comical! And I'm normally one of those drivers who pootle along at 50 most of the time! What a waste of time and money when they could be out catching people who do 100 on the motorway! Grrrrr-again! So....I've got to go on a speed awarenesss course in Warwick- should be interesting- NOT! Val's on the Naughty Step...the students thought it was very funny! Ha!

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