Tuesday 15 February 2011

Speeding up and getting toothache!

I am beginning to feel as if everything is definitely speeding up. I'm breaking into a trot and I don't like it! I expect a bit of rushing around prior to an event, but the BDSpec is 4 1/2 weeks away dammit!! One of the girls from Miramar said she reckoned the Oriental Dreams show in November didn't help and we also had a hafla the other week, so I think that has all had the effect that we are a bit more behind with everything than we normally would be. Humpf!Was beavering quietly and happily away at mine and Jackie's white bras, until Annie announced that she has finished her purple finale costume....I haven't even cut mine out yet....aaargh!
But I have to also turn my attention to Le Petit Souk, as I'm also behind with that. Gotta get that advertising out, and be ready with forms etc for the avalanche of  bookings that will no doubt appear!
Oooww ow ow ooow..am suddenly bset with awful toothache! I've just eaten some cornflakes with cold-ish milk and my teeth are really complaining! Have had some problems with them being sensitive to cold and hot foods, but this pain now is something else! Gonna sign off and go try brushing them with sensitive toothpaste...can't stand this much more.....

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