Tuesday 8 February 2011

My Weekend and a Knee Update.

The Hafla went very well and was a night to remember!  Because my knee was still a problem, I was forced to sit down a lot and couldn't rush around, hence I had lots of help, I didn't get too stressed and really enjoyed it! Several 'old' students from the past showed up which was great, and I managed a very 'minimal' performance, mainly dancing on the spot! I also managed to perform 3 other dances so was pleased the knee held out. Lots of memorable performances including Lucy's cheeky stick dance, some very fluid feather fan dancing, some cyber/robotic fusion (bit OTT!) and a naughty solo from Em Chuter to 'We speak no Americano'. The main downside to the evening was the news that Fiona had had a car accident on the way to the hafla (fortunately she wasn't hurt), but it meant that her van was badly damaged and so she and Angela had to go back home. Will try and make contact this week to find out more- how awful for her.
And not very well organised, I know, but we had a troupe meeting the next morning, and we were all scratchy and tired. From experience I usually expect nerves and tension getting closer to the show (me included!), but I'd be worried if no one was concerned as that would suggest to me that they didn't care! But I know the troupe are very professional and will pull it out of the bag as usual. I know I'm slightly biased but I reckon that they are some of the best around and we always get lots of compliments so I know it's not just me that thinks they are really good! And the show cossies are going to look fab-u-lous!
And........as a special birthday treat that afternoon, Sid and I went to Jimmy Spices and stuffed ourselves...yum yum!
My knee is much better, but has a little complain after each class, so we have some way to go yet. My lovely pal Claire came around on Sunday with a birthday pressie, and ended up giving me a mini Bowen treatment. on the knee and legs. Alhough the effects were quite subtle, I did feel very contented and serene and quietly grounded. Have decided that I need to do more for the poor knees, though, so will try and arrange to get either some massage or physiotherapy this week, and on both knees, too!
BUT tonight I need to get going on some of the show costumes, both for Jackie and myself, so - no more diversionary tactics or prevarication! Byeee!

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