Saturday 26 February 2011

Work and Cake

My half term break is almost over and I'm pleased to say that I have achieved some of the things I set out to! I've got the souk promo stuff underway, and have also got to grips with the BDSpec stuff...and I managed to finish Jackie's bra and almost finished mine! We had a 3 troupe rehearsal last night which went really well, considering. The other two troupes were pretty much up to speed and on the same page as us with level of practise etc, and that's mostly to the credit of Lynne and Tracy who are great organisers and teachers. But I was pleasantly surprised and horrified (in a good way!) at the same time, as Tracy's girls had pretty much finished their finale costumes and were wearing them! Aaargh!! Didn't want to admit it, but mine is at the design stage i.e still in my head! Several of Miramar have got theirs done, too, but I've been so bogged down with other stuff that it's just got put to one side again and again. However, I haven't anything pressing on tomorrow so I must be disciplined and start it!! But I have decided that today is going to be a day off- mainly from work although there is 'house' stuff to do...don't even think of mentioning housework!! So as it's a very wet day we are going to treat ourselves to a matinee performance at the cinema and hopefully a bit of cake afterwards...happy sigh! But I do have a confession to will be my THIRD piece of cake this week! Went around to Anne's to collect the veils and she offerred me some Velvet Cake. It's an American recipe where you colour the sponge red and then slice it, and then sandwich the slices together with a soft cheese filling, which also goes on the outside. Bloddy fantastic!! The second slice was chocolate cake from a little cafe in Warwick and was also gorgeous, but as it was my second slice of the day I must admit to struggling to finish it! No...can't believe that myself!
Did the radio show yesterday, and I'm pleased to say that we are improving - with our technical skills and getting to grips with the technology AND the website didn't go down in the middle like it did last week! Hurrah! Ustream have been upgrading and repairing this week so we think it was probably due to a fault at their end. I'm optimistic that the show will go from strength to strength, and we have ideas of how we'd like to expand it...but more of that when the time is right! If you fancy listening on we are on are on live 3-5pm on Fridays on, but you can listen later, too. Just go onto the website and type thealternativeshow into the search engine.
Anyway, time for me to go off and make myself have some time out!

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