Friday 4 February 2011

Hafla Preparations...and other stuff

Why is it that when I have the most work to do I get this urge to blog!!?
My 10th Anniversary Hafla is tomorrow night and I've lots to do and here I am writing! But I do have my cuppa to finish, so the blog will last as long as that, I'm promising myself.....LOL!
My knee is doing really well, and has survived a week of classes, although it's still reminding me to not overdo it! I think I might manage a solo, but only if I do a baladi style number with tiny on the spot moves and not travel anywhere! Could be an interesting challange! I've had a busy couple of days and today was no exception. Met Lynne and Tracey this morning to talk about and practise the emsemble finale for the March show. We compared our purples and although they are slightly different it will look heavenly- especially as it's my favouite colour! Then as Sid has a problem with his car I had to go and fetch him from Archery before finishing off the radio show stuff then dashing to Stratford again for the show, this time via the bank. Now I've got to gather together all the stuff for the hafla and if I want to go to the pub I've got to get it done by 10.00pm! I'm saving the practising until tomorrow to save my knee and then I'll also have the de-foresting, preening, tweaking and painting to do before I go out. And I might even try to do something with my hair...that will be interesting! Anyway, my tea is done, so I MUST go and gather up the gear.
Ta Taa!

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