Monday 4 July 2011

What's Occurring...

Well it has been a long time since the last post but it has been partly due to busyness, and also an attack of the 'End of Term Blues'. A visit to my lovely homeopath has kicked the Gloominess into touch, so am pleased to announce I'm feeling a lot better. Part of that is that my final class is tonight and after this wekend it will officially be holiday and giving-myself-permission-to-relax mode! Don't get me wrong, not complaining about the classes per se, as I love my students and teaching them, but am feeling definitely in need of a rest.
However, the financial situation is only slightly improved so am continuing to search for a part-time job, but in the meantime am looking at other (small scale) moneymaking ventures to keep the boat afloat!
Today finds me really Cream Crackered as I just had a busy but very enjoyable weekend. Stratford was hosting it's annual River Festival, and as part of it I taught two short taster workshops (one each day), and both Shuvani and Miramar performed, plus the obligatory attendance at the last night party at Shipston Proms...had to be done!The River Festival was extremely busy both days and looks as if it was a huge success, and I was delighted that we could be a part of it, but crowds eventually start to get to me, and that added to a lots of walking and dancing made for one very tired Vally. Peter (my radio show co-presenter) was largely responsible for organising the Family Zone, and I know he put an enormous amount of work into it. It also got very stressful as some last minute cancellations and problems meant a lot of rushing around and worrying. But he did a fantastic job and I think he deserves a medal...or maybe a large amount of cash...if anyone (from the festival) is listening!
And this next weekend is going to be another busy one...our Summer Hafla on Friday evening, dancing with Miramar at the Shakespeare Hospice on Saturday, and performing with Shuvani at Chipping Norton fete on Sunday. Phew!! Could really do with a holiday, or at least a long lie down somewhere quiet and calm...!

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