Wednesday 13 July 2011

Gloomy Moaning...........

After an un-motivated Monday I'm now suffering from a Weary Wednesday! It's partly self inflicted as I went to Brum shopping yesterday and so have worn myself out- again! But I'm still not into relax mode and am still twitching about uneasily and feeling like I should be doing something...just can't decide what!
Some progress has been made promoting a couple of events I've got planned, but the bad news is that I don't have enough students to run the beginners course I had starting tomorrow. I have to admit to probably not having put enough energy into promoting it, but various other things had to take priority at the time, so this is the outcome. Ahh, well that's life.
In fact you could probably say that I'm mildly depressed- 'reactive depression' as we used to say in The Samaritans (yes, another past life!). This means that life is getting me down, with special reference to the lack of spondoolies...urrgh! I just need a little extra energy so's I can get going on some of my pet projects and then something might shift in a positive way. I still believe in the old Cosmic Ordering stuff , and also believe that what you believe shapes your life...which then makes me feel even worse because it's all down to me being a gloomy cow and it's my own fault!! Bit of a vicious circle, eh? Better change the subject!

Another piece of annoying news is that my Victorian table (1840's apparently) is not worth anything like as much as I'd thought, but at least I can now confidently barter away knowing it's true worth. Hopefully selling that will go towards paying off my debts!
But the good news is now I have more time to make some more stock for the BAMBA festival on 23rd July and the Bizarre Bazaar Tea Party on the 31st. By the way someone told me that there is a fetish market that has been going in Brum for over 10 years that's also called the Bizarre Bazaar...oooh er....does that mean we'll be getting a few odd customers turning up? LOL!!
OK, don't think I'm going to pull myself out of this Slough of Despond just yet, so I guess the decent thing to do is quietly slink off into a corner and play with my sparkly things......going...going....gone

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